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The Granitos Stitch is a bold and plump stitch created by layers of Straight Stitches laid on top of each other. ‘Granitos‘ means ‘little grains’ in Spanish, from where this name must have been ...
Speckling Stitch
The Speckling Stitch is similar to Seeding or the Rice Stitch, except that instead of using a single straight stitch each time, two parallel straight stitches are placed close. Sometimes, these ...
Sheaf Stitch
The Sheaf Stitch is a beautiful variation made using bundles of Straight Stitches. The ‘sheaves’ can either be scattered around to fill the area. They can also be placed in neat vertical or ...
Holbein Stitch
This stitch follows a pattern where a running stitch is done and the gaps between this running stitch are filled during a return journey of the needle and thread. This causes the stitches to ...
Raised Rice Stitch
The Raised Seeding Stitch or the Raised Rice Stitch is the Seed Stitch with a raised profile. This gives it a bit of a dimension and is preferred in embroidery works like the Stump Work. At ...
Rhodes Stitch
This is a very interesting stitch that leaves scope for some experimentation. A series of Straight Stitches overlap each other to develop symmetric shapes like a square, circle, heart, etc. This ...
Ray Stitch
This tutorial is an illustration of many of how a few straight stitches can be combined to form patterns to use for embroidery. The Ray Stitch uses eight straight stitches to form a fan-like pattern.
Eyelet Wheels
This is an easy-to-do stitch that can add texture and interest to your fabric. I will work around a circle divided into many equal parts to resemble a cartwheel. The stitch points will fall on ...
Algerian Eye Stitch
Star stitch, Algerian eyelet stitch [EN], Puntada ojo argelina [ES], Point d’œillet algérien [FR], Algerischer Lochstich [DE], Ponto ilhó argelino [PT], stjärnstygn [SV]
Seed Stitch
Seeding Stitch/ Rice Stitch [EN], Point de Sable [FR], Reisstich [DE], Punto Seme [IT], Ponto de Areia [PT]
Fern Stitch
Punto de helecho[ES], Point de fougère [FR], Bäumchenstich [DE], Punto felce [IT], Ponto Pé de Galinha [PT]
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