Video Category

Running Stitch
Punto de bastilla / Punto de basta / Punto de hilván [ES], Point avant [FR], Vorstich [DE], Punto filza [IT], Ponto adiante / Ponto de alinhavo / Ponto de passagem [PT]
Gut Raincoat Stitch
This Running Stitch variation is a technique used by the people of the circumpolar region to secure the edges of their raincoats made of gut skin. This stitch made it waterproof! No prizes for ...
Fairy Lights Stitch
The Fairy Lights Stitch can add a beautiful charm to edgings and borders. While working on my Hand Embroidery eBook, I realized that this stitch needs a name and cannot be pushed away as a mere ...
Darning Stitch
The Darning Stitch is about making rows of straight Running Stitches near each other. The darning technique mends torn clothes, especially socks, and looks like a woven patch. A fabric is made of ...
Meandering Stitch
The Parallel running stitch is two parallel rows of running stitches, with each stitch from each row lying one below the other. Using these as the base, many variations can be created using a ...
Looped Running Stitch
This stitch is just a variety of the running stitch, which I have named. It incorporates the technique of Chinese stitch or Pekinese stitch. This is a very decorative stitch and can be ...
Whipped Running Stitch
Punto de bastilla de cordón [ES], Point avant surjeté [FR], umwickelter Vorstich [DE], Punto filza doppio [IT], Ponto adiante apanhado [PT]
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