Whipped Satin Stitch

Like many other whipped stitches, a contrasting thread is ‘whipped’ over the satin stitch.

You need to know the Satin Stitch to be able to do this stitch.

Fig 1: First, lay the foundation by doing satin stitch. Use a contrasting colored thread to ‘whip’ over the satin stitch. Bring the needle out through A and take it diagonally into B. Then, bring out through C which lies vertically below B, and continue the process of whipping. Fig 2: After finishing the finished pattern would look like this.

Learn how to do this stitch using the 3sat Grass Flowers pattern

Learn Hand Embroidery Stitches | Granitos, Whipped Stem Stitch, and Whipped Satin Stitch

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Learn this stitch along with 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

Other stitches from the Satin Stitch Family

Surface Satin

Back Stitched Satin

Trailing Stitch

Double Satin


6 Responses

  1. Ann Standen says:

    This was so interesting! Thank you for psting

  2. Embroidery Lover says:

    I had no idea a whipped satin stitch was even a thing. I love doing whipped running and whipped back stitches but I thought it was impossible to do a whipped satin stitch. Thank you for showing me this!

  3. Lucky says:

    hai sarah di,

    My name is lucky. i have been searching in web for a weekto know how to do handstiching and all.i knew stiching a bit cos ma mom used to stich.but she use the sewing machine…but i was interested in hand stiching….and today accidently i happend to see ur tutorials and i must say it awsome…i cant explain… and am gona try all ur stiching style for sure…..

    • sarah says:

      Dear Lucky,
      I am happy to have this comment from you. This tutorial was made especially for beginners like you, and having to hear that you found it good to learn from makes all the effort worthwhile. Enjoy learning from our pages and keep us updated on how your lessons are coming out to be. 🙂

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