Parallel Running Stitch

About the Parallel Running Stitch

The Parallel running stitch is two parallel rows of running stitches, with each stitch from each row lying one below the other. Using these as the base, many variations can be created using a different thread. Scroll down to find the tutorials for the two most popular variations- The Mandering Stitch and The Fairy Lights Stitch.

How to do the Parallel Running Stitch

Fig 1: Lay the foundation by doing two parallel twin lines of the Running Stitch as illustrated. Note that the stitches W, X, Y, Z lie right below A, B, C, and D.

Learn the Variations of the Parallel Running Stitch

fairy_lights_stitch meandering_stitch

Learn this stitch and 305 others from our 600-page eBook. 

Running Stitch Family

Parallel Running

15 Responses

  1. Me gusta mucho cuando empiezo para estar pendiente y a qué hora

  2. Fatima says:

    Hi saara,
    Just wanted to say one thing…”You are the Best!”
    You are doing wonders for the people like me…:) Keep going!
    Thanks! 🙂

  3. Vani priya says:

    Hi Sarah ur tutorial is very helpful for me cos I m jus 1wk learner of embroidery now I m very interested in it …. Thank u

  4. Vani priya says:

    Hi Sarah ur tutorial is very useful for coz I m jus a 1wk learner about embroidery thanks a lot da

  5. Usha says:

    Really its very nice and beautiful ……..

  6. SANDRA says:

    Adoro trabalhos manuais estes estão muito lindos .manda mais.

  7. fatima borges says:

    adorei vou fazer os dois lindos

  8. vineela says:

    hi sarah,
    very nice tutorials. thanks for sharing. what kind of hand embroidery is good on a silk lace. thanks

  9. thaarika says:

    hi sarah

    plz upload tutorials for ribbon embroidery also………….

  10. sudha says:

    plz tell which cloth do u use on which u stitch and what is d no. of needle is being used by u?

    • sarah says:

      Dear Sudha,

      I use a normal cotton (closely woven) cloth for stitching. I usually use an embroidery needle no.4 or 5. I have also used a blunt needle to do the weavings between the stitches (in the pictures above).

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