Triple Palestrina Stitch

About the Triple Palestrina Stitch

This stitch is just a Palestrina stitch with an extra knot. This makes the knot look bigger and fuller. You need to know the Palestrina stitch to be able to do this stitch.

How to do the Triple Palestrina Stitch

Fig 1: Lay one Palestrina knot on the stitch line as illustrated.
Now make another similar knot over this knot.
Fig 2: Take the needle beneath the base stitch without plucking the fabric underneath or the threads of the first knot to make the second knot.
Fig 3: Continue this process of making such knots. Fig 4: A finished line of triple Palestrina would look like this.

Learn to do Triple Palestrina Stitch in 2 minutes!

Use this stitch on a pattern

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Related Stitches in the Palestrina Stitch Family


Palestrina Stitch


Reversed Palestrina


Sorbello Stitch


Triple Palestrina


Basque Knot

Learn this stitch along with 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

10 Responses

  1. Gostaria que fosse em português,aliás estamos no Brasil!

  2. Nati says:

    Thanks for sharing this <3

  3. Rosa says:

    Dear Sarah I love your tutorials and I would love to know if you have a book out. I would love to own one. Thank you

  4. What a great site, I am so please to have found this.I will soon be doing a project that requires new stitches to me. It is wonderful to have this information. Thanks for all the time and effort taken to make this site.

  5. Deepti says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Thanks so much for all your tutorials. Greatly captured and organised information. I have just started with some needle work and your blog was great help. Thanks a lot …will keep visiting your blog again and again.


  6. smita says:

    Hi, Was looking out for this kind of website. so happy to find all that i wanted. Keep up the good work. very well demonstrated. Thanks

  7. Today I found your website more or less accidentally. I am very impressed with all of your tutorials with clear pictures. Thank you, I know how much time and energy you have put in this all. I will often return to your blog for the explanation of a beautiful stitch.

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