Pistil Stitch

Pistil Stitch is also known as

Long French Knot [EN], Puntada de Pistilo [ES], Point de Pistil [FR], Stielstich [DE],  Punto Pistillo [IT], Ponto Pistilo [PT].

About Pistil Stitch

This is a decorative stitch. We can also say it is a motif stitch that can be used to make flower pistils or similar patterns. Pistil Stitch is a variation of the French Knot. I would say, Pistil Stitch is to French Knot just the way Long-Tailed Daisy is to the Lazy Daisy! The only difference is a little longer tail. It is useful if you have the knowledge of the French Knot before beginning this stitch.

How to do the Pistil Stitch

Fig 1: Bring the needle out through the fabric, say, from point A. Place the needle near A to the point where you want to put in the needle.
Wrap the thread around the needle twice as shown.
Fig 2: Keep the longer end of the thread pulled with the other hand, as you would while doing the French Knot. This keeps the wrap securely held to the needle. Put the needle in through the other end, say point B. You will finish one Pistil Stitch.
Fig 3: This is how a small gathering of Pistil Stitch will look like.

Learn to do the Pistitl Stitch in 2 minutes!

Use this stitch on a pattern

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Learn this stitch and 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

Related Stitches from the Knot Stitch Family

18 Responses

  1. I am so excited about finding your tutorials on Embriidery! These are the best I have ever seen and at last I am doing embroidery that is actually pretty and doesn’t look like a bunch of knots! However, I have a problem. You did a tutorial for a chain stich that connects each chain with a circle. I want to use this stich but I can’t remember what it was called and I can’t find it again. My attempts to do it with out instructions just looks like a bad chain. What is it called? How do I. Find it again?

  2. leela says:

    Hi Sarah

    First of all lot of thanks for your Web page creation… really it’s amazing. .. I don’t know anything about tailoring also embroidery. . Am blank.. just I learn basic in tailoring… but am interested in doing colorful works in my saree salwars and blouses using stones and jammiki. . I spend 10 thousand rupees for my marriage blouses three . It’s full of hand embroidery. . Suddenly I got thinking to learn embroidery for my upcoming birthday on Nov 15.. so I searched. .. I got u… wow it’s really great… more designs… and u got interested .. Thank you lot Sarah. . Tomorrow am going to try my 1st embroidery. . Actually am college professor… but more interested in these activities.. Thank u once again.. I will update latter. .

  3. sadaf says:

    love the french knot

  4. Sarah
    What kind of needle would you recommend while using Perle cotton. I struggle to thread it through the eye even with a threader. And if the eye is big often the needle is too thick for delicate fabrics.

    • sarah says:

      Dear Sobana,

      When doing embroidery, use the embroidery needle…they have longer eye to accommodate thicker threads. Sometimes, even an embroidery thread can be small for the kind of thread we want to use. I have struggled with it too.At such occasions when I tried using a threader, I have either damaged the threader or broker the needle!The best idea is just use the next bigger size of the embroidery needle that can take the thread in. Else, we can only try hunting for a needle with thin shaft and big eye.

  5. saranya says:

    your website is usefull. i cant subscribe to your site , as there is some problem. please check in soon.

  6. Nithya says:

    Hi Sarah… I m learning al your stiches quickly.. its quite easy also… Do you have any books with the same?
    If so please let me know where will that be available… I need it writtn by u only. Thanks!

    • sarah says:

      Dear Nithya,
      So happy to hear that you have been learning from us. I don’t have a book yet, but we are working on one. Will let you know once it is done. 🙂 Thanks for the interest shown.

  7. Preetha says:

    hi Sarah…just saw ur snaps….lovely….u’ve got a ver lovely baby…..god bless…tkc……

  8. ANN says:


  9. Ruth Loeffler says:

    Hello Sarah,
    I found your embroidery dictionary. Thanks a lot. It is fabulous! Thanks for your generosity. I am learning hand embroidery and will practice from your instructiones. Seems like you and your husband or partner have an interesting and dynamic life. Does he embroider too??? Did you have your child ?
    Take care.
    Ruth in Ohio, USA

    • sarah says:

      Dear Ruth,

      Thanks. 🙂 It always gives us a lot of pleasure to learn that someone has enjoyed learning embroidery from our pages.

      My husband and I had our baby boy last year in Italy. Yes, he will be celebrating his first birthday on 19th August with his grandparents.

      My husband does not embroider, but he tries to learn how the embroidery is done, or its specialty, which is an encouragement in itself. 🙂 We do try a lot to keep in touch with our hobbies and interests, though it is very challenging with a baby in the house. Energy levels and time just does not seem enough by the end of the day!

  10. Marlin says:

    wow..looks like a bunch of wild flowers..:)

    • sarah says:

      In fact there are many ways to use this simple stitch to give it the various ‘plant’ look, and you will be amazed how easily it can be experimented on with different shades and colors… :). Plannig to post some of my own projects on this stitch sometime.

      • Marlin says:

        do post them soon lady… i have loved your earlier posts of the sleepy girl and one more….absolutely fantastic and neatly done…would surely love to see more of it….its really inspiring.

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