Twisted Lattice Band

This is a decorative stitch, which can be used as filling too. Technically, this follows the process of threaded herringbone stitch, only this time, between a row of double herringbone stitch.

You need to know the double herringbone stitch and the threaded herringbone stitch to be able to continue this tutorial.

Double Herringbone Stitch First, make a row of double herringbone stitch as the base.
Fig 1: Bring the needle out, with a contrasting colored thread, from the left end of the double herringbone row, as shown. Fig 2: Now, work a threaded herringbone stitch from left to right, on the upper half of the double herringbone stitch.
Fig 3: When you reach the right end of the row, turn your needle around, and work another threaded herringbone stitch from right to left ,on the lower half of the double herringbone stitch row. Fig 4: Use the same technique as in threaded herringbone stitch, to work from right to left, only this time, you will be working in inverse, or upside down.
Fig 5: Keep up with this procedure for the entire row. Fig 6: A finished line of twisted lattice band would look like this.

5 Responses

  1. Patsy says:

    Thank you for the tutorial. It’s a very pretty stitch – especially the colors you used.

  2. Nosheen says:

    hey sara.i must say u have an excellent talent.i love ur work .m new at embriodry but i m larning a lot from ur tutorials.

  3. Mª isabel says:

    Hola Sarah, te doy las gracias por tu bonito punto, me ayudará mucho en mis bordados.
    Soy una enamora de ellos y me gusta descubrir cosas nuevas.
    He descubierto PINTEREST hace muy pocos días y estoy loca de contenta, por las muchas ideas y cosas bonita que veo,muchas gracias, recibe un cordial saludo desde España, Mª Isabel.

  4. silvia says:

    Hi Sarah,
    i first dicovered your embroidery page today.. And i just want to say how Lucky i feel that you share al this wonderfull information to the world!!! I am so gratefull!! i already shared a lot off your amazing work on pinterest… And since i am busy with altering an old jeansjacket of mine these stitches of yours will be really really enlarge the fun of doing so!! thanks a lot and wishing you all the best from a very wet and rainy “the Netherlands ” silvia

  5. Val Lovelace says:

    This stitch just boggles my mind. It’s so lovely! Sarah, you are amazing!

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