Laced Herringbone Stitch

Also known as: German Interlacing Stitch

This stitch requires a base of herringbone stitch, around which we weave using a contrasting colored thread. It is highly decorative and so makes a good stitch for borders.

You need to know how to do herringbone stitch before beginning this tutorial.

Herringbone Stitch: Make a row of herringbone stitch for the base.
Fig 1: Begin from the left end of the herringbone stitch row. Bring out a contrasting colored thread from the center and take it up and down the ‘legs’ of the cross, as shown. Fig 2: Go up and down the herringbone stitch and the working thread, like illustrated. We would be encircling each ‘crossing’ of the herringbone stitch.
Fig 3: After encircling the first ‘crossing’, we move to the next one. Fig 4: Continue with the similar pattern of encircling before moving to the next ‘crossing’.
Fig 5: A portion of the finished laced herringbone stitch would look like this.

18 Responses

  1. valisa says:

    While looking for an embroidery stitch to do on a hankie, I came across your website while looking at images of embroidery stitches.
    Thank you for the printed directions and wonderful pictures. I have seen other artist comment on how hard this is. You have done an amazing job, now I can too.
    Thank you for sharing your art.

  2. Farida says:

    hey sarah..
    your tutorials are very nice. thanks for sharing dear.

  3. urvashi m. says:

    hi sarah, your embroideries are very nice and your tutorials are very helpful.i learn lots of new embroideries from your collection..thank you..

  4. nandini says:

    hey u r superb and just a master in embroidery , ur just a genius

  5. Liquie says:

    What an wonderful idea and it looks very interesting.

  6. April D. says:

    Thank you so much for the amazing tutorials and clear instructions. I have been wanting to learn how to embroider for some time, and with your blog, today was the day!

    Thanks again!

    • sarah says:

      Dear April,
      It is really nice to know that you have been learning from our pages. Do post a picture or two of any of your work as an inspiration to others as well. 🙂

  7. hamiyet says:

    hi sarah. i like your web site. thank you for your sharing. if you want visit my page. hamiyet.bahar on facebook


  8. Debbie says:

    Hi Sarah! I just ran across your blog because someone posted a picture of your raised fishbone stitch. Very lovely. Looking forward to trying this beautiful technique.

    Thank you so much for sharing your talents.

  9. Jeanette says:

    I included a link to your tutorials on my blog.

    Go to
    Go to SkillsLog
    Navigate down to E
    Your link is under embroidery

    Warmest Regards


    • sarah says:

      Dear Jeanette,

      What a lovely blog you have. Certainly gives ideas and inspiration for new art ideas. Thanks for adding my link on to your blog. 🙂

  10. Livia says:

    Brilliant idea, simple and effective. Congratulations.

    Thank you so much!

  11. Teresa says:


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