Herringbone Family

About the Herringbone Stitch Family

The Herringbone Stitch Family can be considered a cousin of the Cross-Stitch family. Like the Cross Stitches, the Herringbone Stitches are made by crisscrossing two diagonal stitches. The only difference is that they do not cross right in the middle, but somewhere like in the quarter lengths. Also, the technique differs. Yet, there might be some stitches that share both the families.

Herringbone Stitch Family

Laced Herringbone

Indian H’bone

Closed H’bone


Shadow Stitch

Maltese Cross

Double Maltese

Interlaced Maltese

Int’ced d’ble Maltese

Persian Star


Vertical H’bone


H’bone Ladder

Half Herringbone

Raised Herringbone

Learn 306 stitches categorized in 20 Stitch Families from our 600-page eBook. 

13 Responses

  1. Emily says:

    Dear Sarah ji, I hope that my pattern opens. This is the first step and I look forward to completing the stitches. Thank you so much for your lovely kindness and support. Emily

  2. Lotta says:

    Can you help me identify the stitch used for the stem of the palmtree? Some mix of herringbone and coral but I can’t make it out..

  3. benny2.0 says:

    Closed herringbone doesn’t link to anything

  4. shilpa says:

    thank u thank s a lot

  5. priya says:

    Hai sarah i am not able to understand herringbone stitch
    when my tutor taught.But when i search in net i came to
    know about you.you have taught so simply and i finished my homework and i am going to submit it tomorrow.Thanks a lot sarah.

    • Sarah says:

      This is so great to hear, Priya. Sometimes, spending time looking at the process pictures helps a lot, the reason why picture tutorials are great! 🙂

  6. Annie says:

    First of all: I had this crazy idea of embroidering a huge summer scarf with butterlfys and flower etc. I hadn’t done any needlepoint since I was a child so your webside was and is still a huge help. It is the best out there, and believe me, I even crossed language barriers to look for detailed advice.
    On one of the other side a found a Half Chevron stitch of the Herringbone Family which I do not find here. Maybe you could add it? Link: http://inaminuteago.com/stitchdict/stitch/chevron-half.html
    As soon as I produce something really nice I am going to share here.
    Thanks for all the help

    • sarah says:

      Dear Annie,

      It is indeed wonderful to know that you have found our pages helpful, making all our efforts worthwhile. Yes, please do share your work here.
      I will try to add the half chevron stitch as soon as I get the chance. There might be a delay before I get back to addign more stitches as we had a baby 3 weeks back and she keeps us busy! 🙂

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