Plaited Feather Stitch

About the Plaited Feather Stitch

The Plaited Feather Stitch follows the technique of the Crossed Feather Stitch, with only a slight difference. We pass the needle under the previous row to hold it down, thereby ‘plaiting’ it. This can be useful, especially if you plan to work a variation by threading or lacing over it.

How to do the Plaited Feather Stitch

Fig 1: Start by making a row of Straight-Sided Feather Stitches. Then, begin stitching with another thread as you would for the Crossed Feather Stitch. Only, this time, you pass the needle under the stitch from the earlier row. You would do this every time. In my illustration, I pass from the right side to the left side. Fig 2: Continue doing this for the entire row.
Fig 3: This is what the finished row looks like. Observe how the pink and blue threads overlap each other alternately, throwing a ‘plaited’ effect.

Other Stitches from the Feather Stitch Family

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