Double Feather Stitch

Double Feather Stitch is also known as

Puntada doble pluma [ES], Point d’épine double [FR], Doppelter federstich [DE], Punto corallo doppio [IT], Ponto pena duplo [PT].

About the Double Feather Stitch

The Double feather stitch is a beautiful decorative stitch. It follows the same technique as Feather Stitch but has branches on either side. Once this technique is learned, it is easy to make as many branches as you want to suit your stitch requirements.

How to do the Double Feather Stitch

I would work on five stitch lines A,B,C,D,E. You need to know the feather stitch to be able to do this stitch.

Fig 1: Begin by bringing out the needle through C, putting it in through E, and again bringing it back from D, to make the first ‘V’. Start to make the next ‘V’ by taking the needle in through B and bringing it out of C. Make sure that all the diagonal stitches are parallel to each other. Fig 2: Once you pull out the thread and finish the second ‘V’, you begin the procedure for the next one as shown in the picture.
Fig 3: You have finished one set of ‘V’s. Now you work back towards the right side in the same manner. Fig 4: This illustration will help you to follow the stitches in sequence, beginning from 1.
Fig 5: A finished portion of the Double Feather Stitch looks like this.

Other Stitches from the Feather Stitch Family

Learn this stitch and 300 more from our 600-page eBook. 

17 Responses

  1. samuel says:

    feather stitch

  2. rida says:

    im totally impessed by all d stitches and d way u have made it easy fir us to learn it thank u 🙂

  3. apeksha says:

    Your site is very interesting, and easy
    to learn hand embroidery. And I am
    beginner in this field, your site is very
    useful for beginners. Could you please
    place some more finished hand embroidery
    pictures and label all stitch’s names used in that embroidery.and also try to include videos if possible.

  4. Priya says:

    Sarah your website is very useful and its crystal clear. I love the way you narrate the things here. I am a beginner in embroidery and i can very well understand thru your simple steps of explanation thru pictures.

    Kudos… Keep posting

  5. sarah says:

    Thanks Susan. Glad that you are liking our pages.

  6. Susan says:

    Double feather stitch – my grandmother would use this stitch over darts on the inside of jackets. Nice finishing touch! Love your website!

  7. Nichu says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Your site is very interesting, and easy to learn hand embroidery. And I am beginner in this field, your site it is very useful for beginners. Could you please place some finished hand embroidery pictures and label all stitch’s names used in that embroidery.

    Thanks and Regards

  8. Mini says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Please ignore my previous posting

    Nice to see your tutorials, I am a software professional but always interested in embroidery and stitching.

    For my daughter’s baptism, I stitched her dress and other accessories.
    I read all your embroidery posting, and I could find you have done good rearch for getting all these material.

    Can you post tutorial on kamal kadai work.

    Also we can find many indian embroidery stiches like

    Kantha work
    Chemanthy work
    katch work


    • sarah says:

      Dear Mini,

      Thanks for going through our pages.
      All warm wishes on your daughter’s baptism. 🙂
      I am yet to make tutorials for many embroidery styles, including kamal kadai. It might take some time, depending on how I get a chance to do it.

      Best wishes

  9. K.Sindhu says:

    Very glad to find ur blog Sarah…………….Ur works are neat………thread colors are amazing…………….Ur work motivates me to do more work on art and in job also……..Thank you so much

  10. Jun says:

    Hello Sarah,

    only today that i discovered your website! i found your tutorial really helpful. I’m sure to add you for my embroidery lessons (very new hobby!). Can you help me with my brooch making? I am not sure how to sew between 2 felt materials. I saw some example of felt brooches online but not sure how they did that. It looks complicated for beginner like me.

    • sarah says:

      Dear Jun,
      I am happy that you found our pages interesting. 🙂
      Sadly, I am not too sure of brooch making. I hope you find some good source to help you with it.

  11. Rebecca says:

    hi sarah,

    Could you please tell me where i can get these lovely embroidery kits with instructions within them.i live in india.
    i wanna know from which online store i can order good kits.

    • sarah says:

      Dear Rebecca,
      Since I have never really used any online options for embroidery kits, I am not aware of any.
      You can try some embroidery stores in your city…am sure they might have something. 🙂

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