Knotted Cretan Stitch

This is a variation of the Cretan stitch. It shows a technique where knots can be added on the elbows to give it a decorative look. The thicker the thread, the bigger the knot that will be formed. It can look similar to a zigzagged coral stitch.

I will work between four parallel stitch lines. You need to know the Cretan stitch to be able to continue with this tutorial.

Fig 1: Start by taking the needle out through B, then in through D and C, as you would for the Cretan stitch. Fig 2: Now, take the needle in through the stitch. Keep the thread below the needle as shown and pull the needle out to form a knot at the ‘elbow’. Then, move to make the next stitch.
Fig 3: A finished structure of knotted cretan stitch would look like this.

8 Responses

  1. Shami Immanuel says:


    This is my trial for knotted cretal stitch.

    It was in my blog.

    Shami Immanuel.

    • sarah says:

      what a wonderful way to use the cretan stitch!

    • sarah says:

      Hi Shami,

      We are working on an E book with illustrated tutorials of 200 and more stitches. We want to feature some samples from our readers as well. Your work looks really nice. If it is okay with you, we would like to consider using the image you have uploaded in this page to feature in our E book. All due credits will be given. Please let us know.
      Please take a high resolution picture of this sample and send it to us again. 🙂

      Best regards,

  2. leli says:

    hi hi I’m delighted to discover this site Tku vm

  3. Ashley says:

    I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE! You’ve been a huge help, though trying to remember all those stitches scare me terribly but you are a true inspiration to someone who has decided to learn at 22.

  4. Sreedevi says:

    Dear Sarah,

    Sarahkku Kottayamthu class vekkamo.Kottayamthu embroidery padippikkunna institute ariyamo especially aari and zardosi.enikku padikkana.


    • sarah says:

      Dear Sreedevi,

      Thanks for your interest shown. It is difficult for me to keep a class in Kottayam, atleast for the next one year. Certainly, I will keep your request in mind though and let you know if I ever happen to keep any classes there. 🙂

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