Trellis Couching

Trellis Couching is also known as

Punto Trellis [ES], Ponto Treliça [PT].

About Trellis Couching

This stitch might not seem very different from the Jacobean Couching. However, there is a slight difference. The pattern is filled the same way, but with the difference that we make vertical stitches to couch it down rather than crosses. So, the pattern must be laid with threads in a way that allows for a vertical stitch for couching.

How to do Trellis Couching

Fig 1: Lay Straight Stitches from one end of the circle to the other as shown in the illustration. There is no need to weave the stitches up and down the other while doing so.Fig 2: Now, we start couching the intersections. So, come out from the top corner of each intersection and go in through the bottom corner. That makes a small vertical stitch to hold down the threads at the intersections.
Fig 3: A finished filling looks like this.

Learn to do Trellis Couching in 2 minutes!

Other Stitches from the Couching Stitch Family

Honeycomb Filling

Learn this Stitch along with 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

2 Responses

  1. Cookie says:

    What beautiful stitching!!

    • Sarah says:

      It is! It’s a beautiful way to apply on laid thread technique. You can check the latest video on climbing roses to see a small example of it.

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