Pendant Couching

This is an interesting variation of surface couching. The laid thread is left open at one end and pinned down at regular intervals. The laid thread is then pulled out slightly between two stitches to make pendant shapes. This great and creative variation of couching can be used for decorating edges and sides. It might require a certain amount of patience to create the ‘pendants’ if the stitch line is long. So, it is suggested to break a long line into shorter ones to manage it better.

Fig 1: Start by drawing two parallel stitch lines. Now, bring out a thread (red) for laying, from one end of the top stitch line. Keep it open. Fig 2: Now, bring another thread (brown) out, a little outside the stitch line, as shown. Keeping the laid thread over the stitch line, use the other thread to anchor it down using small stitches, as shown.
Fig 3: Once the entire line of laid thread is anchored down with little stitches, we can start making creating the ‘pendants’. Use the back of the needle and pull out the laid thread between two anchors, starting from the open end, as shown. Here, I start from the right end. Pull the thread only until the parallel stitch line. Fig 4: Now, Keep moving towards left as you progress in pulling the laid thread between each anchor. When you reach the left end, between the first two anchors, stop. Then, repeat the same process till you have pulled out a ‘pendant’ between each anchor.
Fig 5: Once you have pulled out thread between every anchors, you can take the open end of the laid thread into the fabric and knot it.
A finished line of pendant couching will look like this. You will see a series of ‘U’ shape which can be twisted to give a circle shape as you will notice in the picture. Either way, the irregularity is the beauty of this stitch.

28 Responses

  1. Kim Graham says:

    Thanks for the update Sarah!!!

  2. Josefina says:

    Thanks for this page! There is so much work put into it, its amazing! I can finally start learning this art by my own

  3. Julie Cartwright says:

    Hello! I wanted to thank you for sharing your tutorials they have been so helpful, some I have not heard of or they have another name but all so interesting.
    best wishes

  4. Michelle Kotynski says:

    I wish to receive emails but your reply email is not appearing in my inbox or my junk mail.


  5. Hope says:


    This has always been my favorite website for embroidery. I have two questions:

    1. The site went missing about a week or two ago and I panicked. What happened? Please don’t ever shut this site down, it’s so good.

    2. Are you on Instagram?



  6. Kim Graham says:

    Hos do I subscribe to your website? Seems like I got emails awhile ago but not for a long time.


    • Sarah says:

      Hi Kim,

      I had not been updating the website, but now it’s all active and alive! You should be receiving our emails more often now. 😊

  7. zarghoona says:

    Hello, I’m biggest fan of you and your page. I was a beginner and I learned a lot from your Web site. now I need your help . I can’t decide that which stich should I use on pattern. or the combination of stiches in one pattern. I hope you understand what I’m trying to ask. May God give you reward. stay blessed.

  8. Happy Traveller says:

    Hello Sarah
    Thank you for such informative tutorials.
    Can you tell me please how to subscribe to your website?
    The instruction at the top of the page to use your Feed Reader just brings up pages of symbols and numbers.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Many thanks

  9. Happy Travellor says:

    Hello Sarah
    Thank you for such informative tutorials.
    Can you tell me please how to subscribe to your website?
    The instruction at the top of the page to use your Feed Reader just brings up pages of symbols and numbers.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Many thanks

  10. Sujayita says:

    Hi Sarah,
    Just wanted to take this opportunity to say ‘thank you’ for the most comprehensive stitch guide that you have here. It is an invaluable resource. Thank you!

  11. Horton says:

    How r u Sarah and Rocksea? I am new to hand embroidery as well as your web site. However, I have notice that you r very skillful in presenting information and conveying it to others. Especially, through your writing, since you r not physically able to direct / instruct. Your information is so clear to me, I enjoy this website it is wonderful. I would like to know more about Sarah’s hand embroidery ebook. How can I obtain it? When trying to pull it up on my computer using the information on the side of your web site it does nothing.

  12. Katie says:

    Hi! I’m brand new to hand embroidery and am thankful for your site! Do you have an email address? I recently purchased a pattern on Etsy and it appears YOUR pictures are in another’s pattern. If you want more info regarding this, please let me know.

  13. Nimmie Sehgal says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Loved the Pinterest info & your website.What is the next date for your tutorials.
    I was interested in RIBBON EMBROIDERY.
    Could you please give me your comments about it.


    • sarah says:

      Hi Nimmie!

      Thank you for writing. I wish I could follow a schedule for the tutorials! 😀 I post the tutorials, as soon as I am able to prepare one.
      Ribbon embroidery is nice and many stitches used for thred embroidery can work for ribbon embroidery. I would suggest that you refer to another resource for more details, but of course, you can always return to us to check for the stitch techniques. 🙂

  14. somnath das says:

    hii madam i’m somnath das from kolkata.And i’m a student of govt. college of art and craft kolkata (dept. textile design) So your wedsite very very helpful for doing embroidery.i’m thankful to mam. But i have a requested to you that is if you upload macrame, quilts , smocking, crochet tutorial thats was more help ful for us.thank you so much……

    • sarah says:

      Hi Somnath,

      I am happy that you are enjoying our tutorials. As much as I want to help you, uploading the embroidery styles you asked for will take a long time as it involves research, doing the tutorial taking pictures, making samples….in short, it might not be possible right now.
      I hope you will find a good and exclusive resource to help you with your requirements.

      Best wishes.

  15. Andreas says:

    I thought something happend, cause there were no Updates for a long time.
    Keep up the good work!

  16. CaLynn says:

    Hi Sarah! I found your website when investigating ideas for TAST over at I mistakenly thought a bit ago that you gave up over here since the most recent post was 2016, but I am so happy to see a new embroidery post from you! Don’t give up. I like your how-tos! 🙂

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