Couched Circle

This is an extremely adorable stitch which is done in circles. It can be scattered over a larger pattern to form fillings. The circle you need to cover is divided into portions. The markings will help in couching the thread. Experiment by trying to give different patterns to the markings.

Fig 1: Make the circle pattern and divide it into an equal number of portions. Now, come out with the laying thread from the center of the pattern. Leave the thread open. Fig 2: Now bring another thread at one of the markings and use it to couch the laid thread. Take the couching thread in through the same marking.
Fig 3: Keep bringing out the needle from each marking to couch down the thread as you take it around. As you reach halfway, you can see the emerging marking. Fig 4: Once the process is finished, take the laid thread in through the fabric and knot it off. A finished Couched Circle will look like this.

Learn to do the Couched Circle in 2 minutes!

Use this stitch on a pattern

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7 Responses

  1. M
    Marcia says:

    Thank you so much for the very helpful advice,

  2. m
    marcia says:

    Dear Sarah,
    Thank you for the lovely stitch examples and the clear instructions. Please could you advise me how to fill in a large tree trunk in a crewel design. I am using double strand wool.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Marcia,
      You can fill a large tree trunk using successive rows of Cable Stitch. It kind of gives a texture that is more realistic to a tree trunk. Place the stitches to coordinate in such a way, that it does not make gaps. If this seems difficult, don’t worry, you can also do successive rows of the stem stitch, which I think will come out well with double strand wool. Hope this helps! 🙂

  3. M
    Marthie says:

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful knowledge and passion for embroidery.Excellent presentation as always. Well appreciated.

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