Zigzag Twisted Chain Stitch is also known as
Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch [EN].
About Zigzag Twisted Chain Stitch
This stitch is stunning and can look complicated, but it is not that difficult to do. Twisted Chains are made zig-zag to create a beautiful stitch that can produce top borders. For the ease of stitching, make three parallel stitch lines to work on. Don’t place them apart too much. Placing them close by gives a more braided texture.
How to do the Zigzag Twisted Chain Stitch
Fig 1: Start from the right end of the line. On the bottom stitch line, come out from A and go in through B. Emerge from C on the top stitch line. | Fig 2: Loop the thread around the needle from the right side. We are making a Twisted Chain Loop. |
Fig 3: Pull out the needle to make that Twisted Chain Stitch. Next, go through D, a point that lies within the Twisted Chain and on the middle stitch line. Come out from E. | Fig 4: Now loop the thread as shown to make the next Twisted Chain loop. |
Fig 5: Again, take the needle in through a point within the twisted stitch and the middle stitch line. Emerge from the top line and make another Twisted Chain. Continue the process.. | Fig 6: What you get is a beautiful pattern, as shown. |
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Other related stitches from the Chain Stitch Family
Partial Whipped Ch
Raised Cup Stitch
Triple Chain Stitch
Sailor Stitch
Overlayed Laced Ch
Zigzag Twisted Ch.