Whipped Chain Stitch

Whipped Chain Stitch is also known as

Punto de cadena azotada [ES], Point de chaînette surjeté [FR], Umwickelter kettenstich [DE].

How to do the Whipped Chain Stitch

Done over a foundation of Chain Stitch, this stitch gives a whipped appearance and looks best if done with a contrasting colored thread.

Fig 1: Lay a foundation of chain stitch. Fig 2: Use a contrasting thread and bring it out from A.
Take the thread through each chain loop made to give a whipped appearance.
Fig 3: The finished pattern would look as shown.

Learn to do Whipped Running Stitch in 2 minutes!

Learn this stitch and 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

Related stitches from the Chain Stitch Family

10 Responses

  1. Kath Cole says:

    Fantastic pictures that shows the stitch technique very clearly. Thank you very much.

  2. Mathura says:

    Hi Sarah,

    thank you very much for your lovely website. Helps a lot for beginners like me.

    Can you please let me know some good online store where I can buy embroidery threads?

    Mathura 🙂

  3. sarah says:

    I have done this using perle cotton. But, if you were to use anchor 6 strand floss, I would recommend 3 strands.

  4. suma says:

    Hi Sarah,

    How many layers we shud use from the anchor thread to do this?

    Generally for most of the hand embroidery designs 2 layers of anchor thread is used where in we have 6 layers in anchor thread

  5. Caren says:

    I use a tapestry needle for the whipped stitches – it is blunt on the end and doesn’t pick up the fabric under the stitch.

  6. sarah says:

    🙂 great Marlin! I may suggest that you work on a closely drawn pattern or motif to enhance the richness of your design. Don’t forget to share with me of what you have stitched when you are done. Would love to see your work.

  7. Marlin Binoy says:

    now this is absolutely beautiful…m planning to buy some plain kurtis and work on them…will do something extensive based on this stitch for sure…:)

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