Tied Chain Stitch


About the Tied Chain Stitch

The Tied Chain Stitch is another variation where another stitch family member is combined with the Chain Stitch. Here, two parallel and aligned rows of the Chain Stitch are tied together using the Coral Stitch, making it a super decorative stitch.

How to do the Tied Chain Stitch

Fig 1: Make two closely placed parallel rows of the Chain Stitch. Make sure they are aligned with each other. Fig 2: Now, come out from one end of the rows with another thread. Pass the needle under the inner sides of both the chain stitch,
as shown.
Fig 3: Loop the thread under the needle as shown. Fig 4: Tighten the loop and pull out the needle to make a knot closer to the Chain Stitch rows. Continue working the same way for the entire
Fig 5 This is how this combination will result in.

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Other related stitches from the Chain Stitch Family

Partial Whipped Ch

Raised Cup Stitch

Triple Chain Stitch

Sailor Stitch

Overlayed Laced Ch

Zigzag Twisted Ch.

Tied Chain Stitch

Shell Stitch

Waved Chain

Braid Stitch

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