Rosette Stitch

Rosette Stitch is also known as

Wrapped Coral Stitch [EN], Punto de cadeneta en roseta [ES], Point de chaînette en rosette [FR], Rosettestich [DE], Ponto roseta [PT].

How to do the Rosette Stitch
This is a beautiful looking stitch. Each loop drops vertically from the stitch line, instead of lying on it. The way the loop is twisted gives it a knotted effect with a sophistication. Let us follow a curved and spiral stitch line to try this stitch. Ideally, it follows a right to left direction. You need to be aware of the Twisted Chain Stitch to be able to do the Rosette Chain Stitch. I will follow a curved and spiral stitch line to demonstrate this stitch.

Fig 1: Bring the needle out through point A which lies on the stitch line. Put the needle in through B which lies on the left of A.Note that B lies on the stitch line too. Bring the needle out through C and loop the thread around the needle as shown. Fig 2: Pull out the needle to get the twisted chain. Now take in the needle through the right ‘leg’ of the twisted chain as shown. Do not pluck the fabric underneath.
Fig 3: Once the thread is pulled out, we get a knotted looking loop like this. Fig 4: For the next loop, put in the needle on the stitch line towards the left of the existing loop and wrap the thread around.
Fig 5: To give the knotted effect, take the needle in under the right ‘leg’ of this newly made loop. Fig 6: Continue this procedure to finish the entire pattern. Observe how the chains or loops close in and open up at various curves.


Related Stitches from the Chain Stitch Family


Chain Stitch


Whipped Chain Stitch


Double Chain Stitch


Magic Chain Stitch


Lazy Daisy


Russian Chain Stitch


Long Tailed Daisy


Feathered Chain


Basque Stitch


Petal Chain Stitch


Reverse Chain Stitch


Heavy Chain Stitch

There are plenty more of these Chain Stitch Variations! Please click The Chain Stitch Family to find the entire list!

Learn the stitches from our Hand Embroidery Book

Learn the Rosette Stitch and 200 other stitches through our 450-page Hand Embroidery book.

25 Responses

  1. Nett says:

    Thanks for showing how🌷

  2. Judy Johnson says:

    It is very generous of you to take the time to show this tutorial.
    Thank you,

  3. bella says:

    Hey sarah,it was an amazing experience doing it but can i even do it in straight line? waiting for ur reply ( ^_^ )

  4. Meena says:

    Fabulous …

  5. dhanya joseph says:

    this one was something i all ways wanted to learn, thank u , good job!

  6. ashwini says:

    OMG!!! this stitch is very pretty. very neat work..I have to try this…

  7. Promz says:

    thanks this seemed very difficult at first, but i think can do it now.

  8. amrin virani says:

    hey sarah,
    thank you for the lovely site..your stitches are amazing…and sooo helpful for a beginner…keep up the hard work…

  9. Githa says:

    hi Sarah, This is really awesome. Kudos to you and I really love each of the designs. Keep up the good work and thanks a lot for these tutorials

  10. susan says:

    great great thanks 4 this site.luv u……….. 🙂

  11. minty says:

    i just loved this site . i never thought i could learn embroidery online, which i always tried.. but with tutorials its just amazing…. i luv u a lot for this ….. thank u very much….

  12. Shilpi says:

    WOW!! This one luks just amazing.

  13. Vimala says:

    Wow!! love this stitch Sarah!!! You have such a beautiful blog! Thanks for the tutorials!

  14. Edes says:

    This is beautiful. I wonder how long you took to arrange this compilations. Thumbs up

    • sarah says:

      Thanks for yoru appreciation Edes. Each pages takes time and effort, but with encouraging words from you, it makes all the effort worthwhile. 🙂

  15. Rahila says:

    This stitch has an elegant look, a treat to eyes

  16. Marlin says:

    amazing…imagining this stitch on a fabric wit multi-colors…tht will luk stunning!

  17. LJ says:


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