Raised Cup Stitch



About the Raised Cup Stitch

This adorable little stitch used the Twisted Chain Stitch to build up a 3-dimensional profile, making it a beautiful stitch to apply in dimensional embroidery. A similar stitch might be the Blanket Wheel Cup, where the size can be varied, and the center can be kept open.

How to do the Raised Cup Stitch

Fig 1: Start by laying the foundation of three straight stitches in a triangular shape – A-B, C-B, C-A. Note, that I have made the foundation within the space of a
Fig 2: Now, come out from one of the corners and pass the needle under the nearest stitch without plucking the fabric under.
Fig 3: Lay a foundation of Chain Stitch. Lay the foundation by doing a row of the Chain Stitch. Use a contrasting thread and come out from one end of the Chain Stitch row. Take the thread through each loop of chain made to give a whipped appearance. Fig 4: Pass the needle under the stitch once again and follow the same process.
Fig 5: I do this three times over each stitch before I move to do the same over the next straight stitch. Fig 6: So, I have worked three Twisted Chain Stitches over each of the Straight Stitches, and reached back the corner where I started.
Fig 7: Now, I continue with the same process with the second layer as my foundation. I pass the needle under the spaces between the earlier Twisted Chain Stitches. Fig 8: This begins to build up the cup in a brick-like formation.
Fig 9: I keep building up the layers. When I want to close in the cup, I skip a space (use alternate spaces) to make the Twisted Chain Stitches. Fig 10: I finish the cup by taking the needle in through the middle of the cup and through the fabric.
Fig 11: This is how the Raised Cup will look like from the top.

Learn this stitch and 305 more in our 600-page eBook!

Other related stitches from the Chain Stitch Family

Partial Whipped Ch

Raised Cup Stitch

Triple Chain Stitch

Sailor Stitch

Overlayed Laced Ch

Zigzag Twisted Ch.

Tied Chain Stitch

Shell Stitch

Waved Chain

Braid Stitch

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