Interlaced Chain Stitch

Interlaced Chain Stitch

Interlaced Chain Stitch is also known as

Punto de Cadena Entrelazado [ES].

About the Interlaced Chain Stitch

The Interlaced Chain Stitch is a beautiful looking stitch that could appear challenging to understand. It just follows a simple weaving over a Chain Stitch base. It reminds me of a grub! It is similar to the Pekinese Stitch technique, but we do it on either side of the Chain Stitch. Experiment with two or three different contrasting colored threads for this stitch to get different effects. Do the weaving using a tapestry needle.

How to do the Interlaced Chain Stitch

You need to know the Chain Stitch to be able to continue with this variation of the stitch.

Fig 1: Make a base row of Chain Stitch. Bring out the needle with another thread from one end of the row. Pass the needle through the Chain Stitch as shown without plucking the fabric beneath. Fig 2: Turn around and loop the Chain Stitch by passing the needle under the stitch as illustrated.
Fig 3: Continue looping one side of the Chain Stitch in the same manner. Fig 4: At the end of the row, finish up passing the needle through the fabric, close to the Chain Stitch, as shown.
Fig 5: Bring out the needle again from one end of the row, and start looping the other side of the Chain Stitch row. Fig 6: This is a finished sample of a short row of the Interlaced Chain Stitch.

Learn to do Interlaced Chain Stitch in 2 minutes!

Learn this stitch and 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

Related stitches from the Chain Stitch Family


22 Responses

  1. Irene says:

    Obrigada por ensinar tão bem ❤️‍🩹

  2. benny2.0 says:

    Is there a physical copy of the book anywhere? I’d buy it in a heartbeat if there is.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi! Right now, we have only digital copies of our book. The second edition is a massive 600-page, image-intense book. Though a hard copy is wonderful to have, we figured the digital copy is much easier to carry and deal with. The best thing is that you can zoom in on all these high-resolution images if it is a digital copy. You can never damage or misplace it, either! If necessary, just print out the pages that you need.
      I would encourage you to try out our digital copy. Many, who initially wished for a physical copy, are now happy with the digital one! 🙂

  3. Sarah Gabrielle says:

    Thanks for showing this stitch I wanna say it’s so Extraordinary 😍🥰🥰I totally love it🥰🥰🥰

  4. Claria June Moore says:

    Beautiful! I love chain sts. Thanks, Jun

  5. Amita says:

    Thanks Sarah for showing this stitch…have never tried this

  6. AKSHADA AMOL says:

    beautiful, Thanks for showing us this stitch.

  7. ILANA says:

    A really beautiful stitch which your clear diagram makes it achievable

  8. Emedelce says:

    Qué “importante” se ve, ya terminada!!!
    Además muy simple y de buen efecto.
    Gracias por mostrarla tan bien!

    • Sarah says:

      Me alegra saber que te gustó la puntada e incluso que la probaste. Te invito a compartir fotos de tu trabajo aquí. Inspirará a muchos otros. Gracias por sus amables palabras.

      Translation: I am happy to know that you liked the stitch and even tried it! I welcome you to share photos of your work here. It will inspire many others. Thank you, for your kind words.

  9. Claudia W says:

    That’s a very pretty stitch! Thank you for showing us how to do it!

  10. Darlene Roudebush says:

    Thanks for showing us this stitch. It looks so complicated and hard to do, but once you showed it, it is doable! It is a beautiful stitch, although I have to agree, it does look like a grub! lol

  11. Reg says:


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