Feathered Chain Stitch

Feathered Chain Stitch is also known as

Pluma de cadeneta en espina / Puntada cadena de plumas [ES], Point de chaînette en épine [FR], Gefiederter kettenstich [DE], Ponto de folhinhas [PT].

How to do the Feathered Chain Stitch

This stitch looks like the long-tailed daisy done in a zigzag manner. Being a motif stitch, it can be used comfortably for light borders and with other embellishments. You need to be aware of the Long-Tailed Daisy stitch to be able to do this stitch. Knowledge of the Zigzag Chain Stitch will be good.

Fig 1: We begin by doing a Long-Tailed Daisy with the start point on A. The loop is angled at about 45 degrees since we are making a zigzag pattern.
While making the ‘tail’, before going in through the fabric, we wrap the thread around the needle as shown in the illustration.
Fig 2: Then, the needle is put in through C and brought out through D, again at an angle of about 45 degrees.
Next, loop the thread around the needle as shown. This is to make the next long-tailed daisy.
Fig 3: Continue this procedure of making Long Tailed Daisies at 45-degree angles.
Fig 4: This illustration shows a portion of the Feathered Chain Stitch.

11 Responses

  1. Donna Freid says:

    I think that is hard to learn pls.upload video how to do that stitch

  2. shabda says:

    Your explanation is so nice. It is very easy to understand even for begginer. Good effort. I like very much this. 🙂

  3. suparna says:

    after long time i again get touch with these nice
    but 1 thing pls provide which design with go for what or what

  4. Ladysphinx says:

    I just found this website and love it. As a beginner still learn many aspects of this hobby I get frustrated with the many site and books hat give very poor illustrations of stitches. Your are very helpful and very easy to understand. The large range of stitch illustrations are also wonderful as most tutorials only give the very few common stitches.

    Thank you very much.

  5. maham says:

    hey…i dont really get this stitch…im findin it really complicated…ive checked out other sites aswell but they are confusing me even more…i ws wonderin if u could plz upload a video tutorial for this stitch…i will be very grateful 🙂

    • sarah says:

      Dear Maham,
      I know this is a little complicated stitch. Did you try reading the descriptions, which might help you?
      Unfortunately, I do no thave any video tutorials right now. But, if you can tell me exactly where you might be feeling confused, I can try to help you by explaining again.

  6. dr nita r kamate says:

    dear sarah thanks iam forgot feather stich your stich looking so simple that is your great ideas i want to learn kuch work stiches pl show me your photo is looking beautiful you are a looking small

    • sarah says:

      Dear Dr. Nita,

      Thank you for all your compliments. 🙂
      I will be posting Kutch work, but it might take some time as its tutorial is only under construction.

  7. sarah says:

    Dear Madhavi,
    Thanks 🙂

  8. Madhavi says:

    Thankyou for putting up your web tutorials- You make it seem all so simple…

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