Double Chain Stitch

Double Chain Stitch is also known as

Closed chain stitch [EN], Punto de cadeneta doble [ES], Chaînette double [FR], Geschlossener kettenstich [DE],  Punto catenella doppia [IT], Ponto de cadeia dupla [PT], Dubbel kedjesöm [SV].

How to do the Double Chain Stitch

This stitch follows the same technique as a simple Chain Stitch. The only difference between the two is that a double chain stitch is done over two parallel stitch lines, instead of one. Thus, in the end, the visual effect is that it looks more or less like an Open Feather Stitch. To be able to do this stitch, it is good if you are aware of the Chain Stitch technique. I will be working on two straight parallel stitch lines, from bottom to top. All the stitch points will lie on the stitch line.

Fig 1: Bring out the needle through A which lies on one of the stitch lines. Put the needle in through B which lies horizontally opposite to A on the other stitch line. Peek the needle out through C and loop around the thread as shown. Fig 2: When you pull out the needle, you would get a chain stitch loop with an open base. Now, put the needle in through A and peek it out through D to begin the next loop.
Fig 3: Loop the thread around the needle as shown. Fig 4: Bring out the needle and tighten the loop. Continue this action of making loops with an open base on the left and right stitch lines alternately. The beginning of each new loop will be inside the previous loop on that respective stitch line.
Fig 5: A horizontal view of the finished pattern will look like this.

20 Responses

  1. Samuel Abraham says:

    My double chain stitch motif

  2. Harnil says:

    Thank u for sharing this Sarah. It was a great and new learning for me

  3. Polona says:

    Thank you for the instructions, it was grat learning,I just have a bit of a problem with how hard i pull on the tread. learnd a lot, Thank you

    • Sarah says:

      Always welcome, Polona. So happy that you enjoyed this page. Sometimes it takes a few tryings before we get to understand the best way to do certain stitches- it’s all in the hand! 😁

  4. Jessie Hansen says:

    I read this stitch’s directions the other day and just used it on a piece, easy peasy. I don’t know why everyone else was having problems with it. You did a great job explaining. Thank you.

  5. Hi, Sarah. I’ve been practicing the double chain stitch on my dolls. I find it great for borders and curves.

    I see other people are finding it difficult, it was a little confusing for me at first. But then I just got it!

    Thanks for keeping this website, thanks for your tutorials.


  6. jalpa says:

    dear sarah,

    i am not able to do this stitch…. i spent like an hour in trying this one .. but it was becoming really confusing ..
    could you plz help me with further explanation.

    • sarah says:

      Dear Jalpa,

      Try to follow only the pictures, if you are feeling confused. Try to just copy exactly what you see in the picture first, and as you do, try to figure out how it goes. Let me know if you are still caught up. It will help me if you tell me exactly where you are getting confused.

  7. MANSAJAI says:

    dear sarah,
    i learnt running stitch and stem stitch family, double chain is really difficult.

  8. Shazeenah says:

    Dear Sarah,
    The thread u hav used here doesnt look like the anchor thread….could u please tell me if it is the pearl cotton thread?

  9. Sangeeta says:

    hey pls can u tell me some design where this double chain stitch is used?

    • sarah says:

      Dear Sangeeta, thanks for your interest. I would suggest that this stitch can be used as borders or outline designs where some embelishments can be added. For instance, using some pearls, buttons or mirrors to fill the gaps. You can also try using this stitch to pin down ribbons. Just be careful to use the right kind of thread, based on how you want to use the stitch.
      I might put up some finished projects for you to get more ideas in future. In the meanwhile, I hope this information has helped. 🙂

  10. sarah says:

    Thanks Marlin for the suggestion and it is well taken. 🙂 I will keep this in mind for the future stitches. I am following a sort of color scheme for each family of stitches. So, I will use better threads from the next family onwards.

  11. Marlin Binoy says:

    hey Jubs..i suggest you use a darker blend of color against this fabric..i say it will enhance the appeal of the stitch and will show the sequence more brilliantly…just an opinion..:))

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