Detached Wheatear Stitch


Detached Wheatear Stitch is also known as

Detached Wheat Stitch [EN]

About the Detached Wheatear Stitch

This is one of the few stand-alone stitches from the chain stitch family. This stitch resembles the Bull’s Head Stitch and is often even mistaken for it. But there is a slight difference in the way they are stitched. Moreover, a Detached Wheatear Stitch is a single loop of the Wheatear Stitch.

How to do the Detached Wheatear Stitch

Knowledge of Bull’s Head Stitch will help you understand the difference and logic behind both stitches. Knowledge of the Reverse Chain Stitch will be an advantage. Both are optional.

Fig 1: We start by making the ‘ears’ of the wheat seed. We pull the needle out through A and put it in through B, as shown. Then, the needle is pulled out through C. Note that B lies about 90 degrees angle between A and C. Fig 2: We now make the other ‘ear’ of the wheat seed. For that, put the needle through B and bring it out through D. D lies straight below point B.
Fig 3: We follow a reverse chain stitch procedure to make the wheat seed. Bring the needle out from D and take it underneath the previously made stitches without plucking the fabric beneath. Fig 4: Put the needle in through D again to finish the stitch.
Fig 5: A finished detached wheatear stitch would look like this. It has a lot of resemblance to the Bull’s Head Stitch. If you note, the chain loop lies under the ‘ears’ or ‘horns,’ unlike in the bull’s head stitch.

Learn to do Detached Wheatear Stitch in 2 minutes!


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Related stitches from the Chain Stitch Family

6 Responses

  1. lucy Morningstar says:

    Thank you so much for sharing all of the research you did.I’m really enjoying this.
    I will send pictures another day.

  2. Sowmya.S says:

    Hi Sarah

    Its me again 😀

    From where did you study all these stitches?

    Did you go to any class?

  3. mamoni ray says:

    excellent collection…….till today i thought that i know every embroidery stitches…….but now i know …..i know nothing

    • sarah says:

      Dear Mamoni,
      when I began, I too did not know that these many stitches existed. the more I researched, the more I realised that this is a vast ocean. 🙂

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