Back Stitched Chain Stitch is also known as
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About Back Stitched Chain Stitch
This is an interesting variation of chain stitch which incorporated Back Stitch as well. It can be used beautifully to create an interest in the designs over a foundation of the Chain Stitch. This is a fine example of how two different stitches can be combined to create a different effect.
How to do the Back Stitched Chain Stitch
You need to know Chain Stitch and Back Stitch to be able to continue this tutorial.
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Fig 1: Make a row of Chain Stitch. Now, begin by bringing out a contrasting colored thread from the second chain in the row, at a point A. Make a Back Stitch to go in through B, as shown. | Fig 2: Now, come out from the third chain, at a point C, and go back in at A. Keep making Back Stitches with the stitch points in each chain of the row. |
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Fig 3: Once finished, the Back Stitched Chain Stitch would appear like this. |
Learn to do Chain Stitch in 2 minutes!
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Learn this stitch and 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook.
Related Stitches from the Chain Stitch Family
How goes the e-book? Will it be ready soon?
Love your tutorials!!
Thanks Judy for all your comments.
As much as I want the E book to be over as soon as possible, it is going kind of slow.
My husband is the technical guy behind it. He is a busy scientist and last year had been pretty hectic for him.
So, yes, we hope it gets done before this year ends!
I feel really apologetic to keep many of our interested learners waiting for it.
Hi Sarah,i discover your web in pinterest and i really enjoy this web. As a beginner for stitching i found your web are very-very helpful…

So pretty, Anna. Thank you for sharing this beautiful work! 🙂
So much of thanks.
Hi!! This is an embroidery stich ryt?
you really have given amazing tutorials. Thanks a lot as it personally made the concept of embroidery very clear to me.
Denise, all your RSS feeds are under your own control. We don’t have any role in whether you should be subscribed or not.
Hi Sarah..
I really love to go throgh your works..It is really very helpful for beginners..You explain each and every stitch in a simple and easy to understand manner..Keep up the good work..I also love stitching,crochet and hand embroidery..
With love and best wishes
Hi. Not sure if someone else has brought this to your notice. Looks like, this site ( has indulged into plagiarism… They have been “stealing” works of many people & putting it up under their “banner”… Worst part is, they have simply cropped your watermark & put their own. Well! Don’t know how you can sort it out. Not sure if they have taken permission. If “YES”, then ignore this. If “NO”, then you know what to do & should do the needful! They have royally been publishing quite a lot of stuff literally picked from other sources. Since its an unknown language, not sure if due credit is given… I doubt, as it displays some other watermark. Good luck!
Your well wisher!
Dear Ana, thanks for the message. We have noticed several such chinese websites using our stitches and embroideries as their own. It has been a difficult task to go after each of them… We’ve taken down several youtube videos which used our images wihout permission. Meanwhile, we’ve left out educational websites which keeps the watermark/copyright label. Let’s see! Thanks again 🙂
can i have your contact details for attending your classes. I am from pune.
Hi Sarah…..
I came across this site very suddenly and now I am glad that I found this. I am from pune and want to enquire about your classes. Can you please provide me your contact no.and mail ID?
Hi Sarah, my name is Vasanti, and I do simple hand embroidery for my personal growth in this field. I am ib
Ntrested in purchasing an eBook dictionery of hand embroidery stitches, since I don’t always get connected to online resources; do you have one for sale? I really am interested for my own use, not to sell or give to anyone. Thanks in advance for your tine, awaiting your response.
Hi Vasanti, thanks for the interest shown. I am working on an E book at the moment. Might take some time though. I hope you would be able to wait for it.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are wholesalers in Indian traditional textiles
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We look forward for your interest in buying from us.
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I don think anyone can leave ur page without leaving a word of appretiation! So am I! U really did labour. Beautiful learning site. Clearly explained u research. Im a beginner in crochet n Im zero in embroidering but wanting to dive in after surfing ur site.
Hats off!
I think tis website was created by Rocksea? U r indeed doing a great job… everything is neatly managed.
Beautful.. Thank you for all the hard. I hope to learn so much. Hope also to enjoy your comany.
Would it be possible to change the settings for your submenu’s? When i click stiches, it opens a menu but it closes to fast to be able to tap the needed subject. It would be better if the submenu’s would stay open until you click the wanted subject.
Greetings, jolien
Dear Sahara……this is sowjanya really I am happy with with ur site….I am learning from basics in ur blog….so great job…loved it….love u
Hello Sarah
I Found your website thought Pinterest..your tutorials are o clear and I’m learning in such a simple Way I cannot believe.
I al so enjoy Rocksea pages Photos and poems…fantastico!
Thank you, grazie from your new italian follower
Grazie Sabina. Great to hear that you enjoyed our website. 🙂
Namaste Sarah,
Thank you so much for your Sachiko tutorials. I am new to the technique and have been teaching my self for a few months now. Your tutorials are so clear and explanatory they have helped to clarify some questions and doubts for me. I’m eagerly awaiting your 4th lesson when you are able to return actively to your blog.
The best of luck to you and your family.
Namaste Linda.
Thanks for writing. It is always a delight to know that you enjoyed the sashiko lessons and waiting for more lessons. 🙂
I will be busy with some projects and a family vacation for a month. Hopefully, after that, I can be back actively on the website.
There is a lot of lessons waiting to be uploaded.
P.S. The auto correct strikes me too… so, I can understand. 🙂
Sarah,Please provide me your mail ID.Actually I want to talk about business & to improve my business which is related to your job.
Thanks Indrani. Looks good. 🙂
hi sarah…i m new in the field of embroidery and ur site is quite useful…i learned the basic stiches nd tried some designs…but quite busy with my profession…hope can learn more after finising my studies…
thanks a lot for your useful site . it is perfect 🙂
Hi Sarah , G8 site with lots of information for beginners. Are you conducting any classes in Pashan? If yes, would love to join. Please provide the details. Thanks, Chetana.
Hi Chetana,
Right now, I am held up for a couple of months. But, there is a plan to conduct classes after June.
You can drop an inquiry at my email id, and I would be glad to mail you all details once the plan is in place.
The workshops will be in pashan-panchvati. 🙂
Hi Sarah ( no need for this comment to go public – I could not find a email contact for you and wanted to let you know of possible copyright infringement )
I noticed this you tube video is using your stitch tutorials – I know how hard it is create this sort of content so I thought I would let you know incase you had not given permission for them to use the material
here is the link so you can see for yourself
you may of course given permission – if so sorry to take up your time.
Thanks Sharon! We’ve notified youtube about this. Had similar incidents before also and youtube had acted favorably.
Youtube has removed the content, thanks a lot Sharon 🙂
Hi sarah,

Thankyou for your Wonderful tutorial….
Wow! beautiful. Do you think you can get a better angle for your embroidery. I want to consider adding it to our ebook samples, if it is fine with you.
Feeling very happy 🙂 🙂 🙂
Yes of course dear….
I will send good pictures within two days
Thanks Lakshmi. 🙂
can you add mirror work and satin ribbon work also
Hi Varalakshmi,
Yes, the mirror work is long overdue. I am stuck with a project right now, and for almost a year I have not really updated any new embroidery styles. Give me some more time, and I would want to focus on posting mirror work tutorials and projects.
Hey sarah,
I came across many embroidery videos and sites
but urs is the best
hello sarah, please tell me some embroidery designs for suits….
please mam tell me some designs please…..
thank you.
Dear Sarah, I just want to add my thanks to you for your wonderful site. I have taught myself to embroider just simple outlines but am now embarking on crewel work. Your clear and precise steps and pictures have shown me everything I need to know and I am so pleased with my progress already. Bless you and thank you for all your hard work here. I love that I can print these stitches in print friendly format and even download them as a pdf – such a boon! My thanks. Jane.
i am getting problem in subscribing your site.can you please tell me how i can subscribe it easily.
please tell me
can you please tell me some embroidery designs for kurta {salwal suit} for girls. actually i want designs which are simple as well as beautiful also.designs which i got they are either hard or not so good.
i have seen your designs they are simple and beautiful.
thatswhy please provide me some kurtas design please
Would you check your link to subscribe? It doesn’t work from my PC and I’d like to subscribe. Thanks!
I wish to learn hand embroidery and this site was recommended to be by Jennifer Olfenstien (sp)…Do you have a beginner page? Like which needles to use, what thread, how many threads,etc. I need to perfect my stitches because I test blocks and a lot of them require embroidery, I taught myself. I do the stick and jab method. Thanks for any help!
Hi Jo,
Sorry, I do not have a beginner page yet. I must get it done! Since I am stuck with some other work for a couple of months, I wont be making any new pages any time soon. But, the moment I am able to, the beginner page is what I would want to work on.
How do I find info on your e-book?
The eBook is still work in progress, will announce once it is done.
Here i have used chain stich
really pretty! Thanks for sharing.
Hey Sarah! Amazing efforts by you in compiling so many stitching techniques in such an illustrative and easy way. Great website. Very helpful. I would be eagerly waiting for more.
Great site! I would like to buy the e-book, but could not see how to do so.
The e book is still in process of making. Will let you know once done. 🙂
Glad to hear your eBook is still in the works. I have been monitoring your site for the completed book and now know not to give up hope.
Thanks for your clear instructions. They have been a great resource for me as I learn to embroider.
Thanks Nicki for showing patience. Our book is definitely on the way. Facing some technical issues at the moment, thus the delay.
Really it was useful and easily understandable thank u so much
This is a pretty neat website for those who are new to embroidery. I am pretty sure my wife will enjoy it as she has been trying figure out how to make a scarf for our 5 year old son. I f you happen to have more in depth techniques please send me a link so that I can share with her.
Dear Sarah
I was wanting to use your site to send some of our friends too, however I cannot get Norton to approve the site. have you had any problems here with attacks. Norton said a known attack attached to sight and it blocked the attack?
Darlene, I checked at norton and it gave 100% safe remark.
I have looked long and hard and your website is one of the best for giving clear, simple instructions for embroidery stitches. I notice that you have waited a long time between posts. Please don’t give up your instruction. This site is a great resource.
Thanks Rebecca.
Many times, I get held up in some other engagements. I have a very young family and it becomes impossible either by way of time or energy to work on this site regularly, how much ever I honestly would love to. 🙂
I know my next post is way over due… will post something next week. Thanks for reminding.
Great creativity of stitching, Keep posting like this.
Hi..u r doing an awesome job..please let me know what is the size of the needle that you use? while doing the embroidery, are you working with three stands of thread or all the six stands of anchor thread?
Your work is beautiful. Do you give classes.. Private or group?
Where are you located?
I sm archana. ur embrodiery is amzing.I like it. I also learn stitches.
Great creativity of stitching, Keep posting like this.
Your link at the top right for subscribing to your page is not working and I would so much like to stay in touch!
Thank you for your brilliant site!
I started back into embroidery after learning at school many years ago and I am learning new stitches.
You have given a nice explanation with images on back stitching. I like to read the blogs with images as it helps to understand the things easily. You have made a small but creative design.
It looks like friendship band.