Double Blanket Stitch

Double Buttonhole Stitch is also known as

Double Blanket Stitch [EN], Festón doble [ES], Point de festón double [FR], Doppelter Langettenstich [DE],  Punto festone doppio [IT], Ponto de casear duplo / Ponto de duas fases / Ponto de caseado duplo [PT].

How to do the Double Buttonhole Stitch

This is a decorative variation of the Blanket Stitch. Here, a row of the Blanket Stitch is made, the fabric is reversed and another row of the Blanket Stitch is made, the teeth falling between the gaps of the previous blanket stitches. The tutorial shall make it clearer. This stitch can be used along with other embellishing stitches like the french knots to make nice decorative borders.

You need to know the Blanket Stitch to be able to do this variation of the stitch.

Fig 1: First, make a row of the Blanket Stitch. The illustration shows the row in green thread.
Next, turn the fabric around and do another row of blanket stitch, placing each stitch between the previous stitches, as shown.
Fig 2: A finished portion would look like this. This stitch can be done in a single colour too.

12 Responses

  1. Samantha says:

    Thank you. Sarah for teaching me these awesome embroidery lessons. I hope you have a wonderful new year.

  2. harini says:

    thankyou very much for giving all the embroridery details , also very good pictures and illustrations, i learning a lot at this site..

  3. ansi says:

    hi sarah..
    this is awesome..
    i use it on my son’s kurta

  4. anju says:

    hiiiiii happy new year god bless

  5. Raji Saj says:

    Wonderful Idea ….!:-)

    Hi Sarah

    Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

    Sarah, i have uploaded a work of mine here,
    please check it when u get time, most of the stitches i learned from u.
    Thank u 🙂

    happiness always,

    • sarah says:

      Dear Raji,
      What you have done is really nice and beautiful. I liked it. 🙂
      Thanks for sharing the work with us. It is always inspiring.
      Season’s greetings to you.

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