Crossed Blanket Stitch

Also Known as: Cross Buttonhole Stitch, Crossed Buttonhole Stitch

Crossed blanket stitch is a variation that makes crossed patterns, in turn creating a series of diamond patterns, while making the blanket stitch. It is a decorative stitch which can be used to replace the traditional blanket stitch.

I will work between two horizontal parallel lines, from left to right. This stitch, once the technique learned, can be done in any direction.

You need to know the Blanket Stitch and Closed Blanket Stitch to be able to proceed with this stitch easily. I will be working between two horizontally parallel lines from left to right.

Fig 1: Start by followign the sequence of A, B, C as in the closed blanket stitch. Now, take the needle in through D and out through E, as shown. This time, D lies before B, the reason for the crossed effect. Fig 2: Continue by taking the needle in through F and out through E.
Fig 3: Now, take the needle in through B and out through G. Continue this process of making crosses with diagonal stitches. It will turn out that you are in fact making diamonds with these crosses. Fig 4: A finished portion of the crossed blanket stitch would look like this.

14 Responses

  1. Miki moore says:

    Shouldn’t the instructions for Figure 3 be: “Now, take the needle in through B and out through G.”

    The original is: Now, take the needle in through B and out through F.

    (the final point is G not F).

  2. sk says:

    hi Sarah , this is so useful but m waiting for new updates 🙂

  3. Shubha says:

    Hi Sarah,

    I had printed design on a bedsheet. But I was confused what stitches to use on them. But you site has helped me resolve my confusion. I will now start doing this as instructed by you using various stitches. I had learned embroidery some times 6 years back. But lack of practice made me forgot all the stitches. Thanks for reminding me of all the stitches and giving other innovative ideas as well. Do you know kanchi embroidery (or sindhi stitch commonly used term)? If yes, do publish the steps to follow them as well. I have seen the video tutorial about it on you tube, but still confused. May be your instructions would help me for that as well. Please be free to mail me at the mail id I have mentioned.

    Thanks and Regards,

    • sarah says:

      Dear Shubha,
      We feel nice that our pages is going to help you to start embroider. 🙂
      Yes, I do know Kutch embroidery. I will be putting up the tutorials, but might take some time, since I am held up with some other projects at the moment. I hope you would wait. 🙂

  4. Kausalya. S says:

    Hello Mam:

    I was really impressed visiting your site. I was just surfing for some new stitches and I really have a lot to try seeing your stitch dictionary. Please do inform us when the book is ready. I really appreciate your efforts. Best Wishes.

    • sarah says:

      Sure, will let you know Kausalya, when the book is ready. Right now I am taking it slowly due to my new born daughter. But, I should catch up speed soon in a couple of months. 🙂

  5. Hi, this stitch is new to me! So lovely and useful! Thank you
    so much!

  6. Hi Ms.Sarah
    You have got a really great collection of stitch tutorials. It would be even more awesome if you could make a CD of all your stitch tutorials. I’m a big fan who’s waiting for 1 of your CDs. Please reply me back if you already have CDs of all your tutorials of various stitches. I would be happy to buy them.

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