Berwick Stitch

Also know as: Tailored Blanket Stitch

This stitch serves the same purpose as what the blanket stitch does mainly, that is, secure fabric edgings. The difference is that we make little knots while making the blanket stitches. When worked closely, the edges would look more defined and bold.

You need to know the blanket stitch to be able to understand this tutorial.

I will work between two parallel stitch lines.

Fig 1: We start the way we usually do for a blanket stitch. Bring out the needle through A, taking it in through B and then out through C. Now, instead of just looping the thread around, wrap it around the needle from right to left, as shown. Fig 2: Pull out the needle to make a knot on top. Continue this process, and you should get a finished portion like this.

19 Responses

  1. rishana says:

    really i feel good

  2. Kayenderes says:

    P.S. I need like the picture dictionary. Thank you.
    I live in a Seniors independant living on my reservation and someone
    can go to the city to buy it if Sarah has this type of book for this lovely work. Thank you

  3. Sharlene says:

    I am so pleased to find your site. I have been what I thought was a stitcher for many years but I had no idea how many other stitches are available than back stitch, blanket stitch, satin stitch and running stitch. My eyes have been opened.

  4. Soni says:

    Dear Sarah

    Can I use your tutorials for teaching my friends how to embroider.

  5. Aurora says:

    I really love this site and all of the step by step guides are great

  6. reeny sumith says: brilliant..ur site is an encyclopedia for beginners in embroidery. i had a tough time doing bullion knot but after watching your tutorials i love doing them. one thing-could you suggest good sites so as to download patterns for stitching
    keep up the good work

    • sarah says:

      Dear Reeny,

      I am glad that you were finally successful with the bullion knot. 🙂 Well, I cannot suggest you any particular website, btu you can just google search fro plenty of wonderful designs of the themes you are looking for.

  7. Shyna says:

    Hi Sarah… thankyou for sharing your talent.. Keep going.
    Wish you joy with your newborn Parjanya and Pratyahara.

  8. paula m says:

    What a wonderful resource for embroidery. I began embroidering pile cases way back when …I was about 9 years old. Life moves fast. But, now I ‘d like to take up the restful hobby. Thanks for so generously sharing your expertise.

  9. Marianne Dodge says:

    I just found your site by accident. I’m thrilled. I love to embroider but have been discouraged because the stores around my home town have very little in the way patterns. Could you direct me to a good web site to order patterns?

    I know I will be a faithful follower of your site from now on and be able to increase my learning of great stitches.

    Thanks, Marianne from N.J.

    • sarah says:

      Dear Marianne,

      Thanks and I hope you enjoy learnign from our pages thoroughly.
      There is no one particular site I can guide you to for patterns. If you can use google search to look for embroidery patterns thematically, like flowers, vintage, or animals, you should be able to find fairly many number of sites with good patterns to choose from.

  10. Soni says:

    Dear Sara

    Your site is just amazing. Keep up the good work

    Soni Lal
    Al Ain

  11. shamima khan nancy says:

    sarah,can u upload some bangladeshi stitches….?


    nancy..from Dhaka..

  12. Pat F from Mass says:


    I have “pinned” this website to my Pinterest account. The pin shows the embroidery that you use for the header for this blog. I use Pinterest mainly as a “visual bookmark” for blogs that I am interested in. Recently I have become aware that some content providers consider “pinning” to be a breach of copyright. My pin is directly to this site. However, if you would like me to remove my pin I will gladly do so.


    Pat F

    • rocksea says:

      Thanks for the Pin, and the message, Pat. In fact we have a pin button so that readers can add the pages to their pinterest board.


  13. shamima khan nancy says:

    thanx sarah for ur new stitch….

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