Whipped Back Stitch

Whipped Back Stitch is also known as

Punto pespunte enrollado [ES], Point de piqûre surjeté [FR], Umwickelter rückstich [DE], Ponto atrás enrolado [PT].

How to do the Whipped Back Stitch

This variety of the Back Stitch gives a twisted effect like what you will see in a Whipped Running Stitch.

Back stitch: Lay the foundation by doing a Back Stitch.
Fig 1: Take another thread and needle and bring it out through A. Pass the needle under the stitch A-B, from above, as shown. Do not pluck the fabric underneath. Fig 2: Similarly, pass the needle under the stitch B-C, from above, as shown.
Fig 3: Continue taking the needle under each Back Stitch foundation to give it a twining effect.

Learn to do Whipped Back Stitch in 2 minutes!

Use this stitch on a pattern.

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Related Stitches from the Back Stitch Family

Learn this Stitch and 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

9 Responses

  1. Brenna says:

    I’m trying this stitch on a piece for a friend & tried it on a practice cloth first & couldn’t get it right at first. I wasn’t looking closely at the pictures & had to look up a video & that woman explained you have to go the same way when lacing the second thread. Might be helpful to explain that! (If you see this :)!!)

  2. Ahmed says:

    You have an amazing blog, I am also very very iestrnteed in embroidery, used to do a lot before I took to paper crafts, I will visit you to get some great ideas for my quilling.Congratulations, you are truly talented.

  3. harshita says:

    this stich is easy and looks good

  4. Anagha says:


    This is Anagha from pune.
    Will you please write to me about your regular embroidery classes or workshops.I would like to join your classes. I had called you on your given number.But could not connect it.Will you please give me your mobile number or address so that I can meet you in person.Thanks With Regards…Anagha

    • sarah says:

      Dear Anagha,
      I have emailed you my phone number and some details about my classes. Please call me at the new number I have provided, and I will be glad to give you more details and arrange for us to meet in person.

  5. സാറാ,
    ഇത് എന്റെ ഫേവറേറ്റ്സിലേക്ക് ആഡ് ചെയ്യുകയാണ്. വിശദമായി പഠിക്കാൻ തീർച്ചയായും വീണ്ടും വരും.
    à´ˆ എബ്രോയിഡറി പാഠങ്ങൾ കണ്ട് വല്യ സന്തോഷമായി എനിക്ക്. 🙂
    വളരെ നന്ദി ഇതു പങ്കു വെയ്ക്കുന്നതിൽ 🙂

    പിന്നെ ഒരു സംശയം നിങ്ങൾ ഭാര്യയ്ക്കും ഭർത്താവിനും മാത്രം നല്ല സുന്ദരൻ പടങ്ങൾ കമന്റു ചെയ്യുന്ന ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് ഭൂതത്താൻ പടങ്ങളും കൊള്ളാല്ലോ രണ്ടാളും. 😛

    • sarah says:

      Dear Asha,
      First, forgive me for my reply in english. Njan malayalam script upayogichu thudangiyaal, oru disaster aayirikkum. Pinne ii section oru humor section aaki maatendi varum. 😀

      Thanks for your encouragement and appreciation. 🙂 Glad to know that you liked the tutorials and are interested in learning it from us.

      Hehe…pinne, padangal…ningale oru ‘monstorous’ veshathil kaanaan, njangalkku oru rasam aanu. Palapozhum njangal orumichu irunnu ii monstor icons study cheythu chirikarundu. So, many thanks for the many laughs I and Roxy have! 😉

    • rocksea says:

      ഭൂതത്താന്‍മാരെയൊക്കെ ആഷയ്‍ക്ക് ഇഷ്‍ട്ട്പ്പെട്ടൂ, അല്ലേ! ആഷയുടെ പ്രകൃതി സ്നേഹം കാരണം ആഷയ്‍ക്കും കിട്ടി ഒരു വവ്വാല്‍ ഭൂതം 🙂

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