summer workshop

Hand Embroidery Workshop

Location: Pashan-Panchvati, Pune

Complete stitch kit will be provided.

Embroideries taught:

An old embroidery style in red or blue using various stitches.
Can be used over any kind of furnishings or children’s clothes and materials.
chicken_scratchChicken Scratch
An old embroidery from early America, using few stitches to give a laced effect. Can be used to make over anything made from checkered cloth.
Kutch Embroidery
A traditional Indian embroidery from Gujarat. Uses a little complicated stitch to make wonderful embroidery patterns on furnishings and clothes.
A traditional Indian embroidery from Karnataka. Uses four different styles of stitches to create intricate designs over small furnishings and clothing like sarees and blouses.
A traditional Japanese embroidery done in white over dark blue using a single type of stitch. Contemporarily, this embroidery technique is used with different threads and fabric over furnishings and clothing of any sort.
basic stitchBasic Stitches
Introduces 50 basic stitches to beginners for skill development. Students will get an idea about the different types and levels of stitches, giving them practice in stitching and developing an interest in hand art. These stitches can be used as per the imagination of the student for various projects.

61 Responses

  1. Dr.Ruchita Jain Shah says:

    Dear Ms. Sarah,

    Let me tell you have a lovely name.
    Well, I was supadupacupa happy to find someone of your likes and genre who has magnanimous knowledge in the subject of embroidery. I have learnt the basic while I was in school though I’m 31 today with little greying of hair too. Coming to the point, if you are still on with the hand embroidery classes – I’m much interested in joining the crusade to further polish myself. Also, I would want to learn satin ribbon embroidery if possible.
    Please do revert with an affirmation. Awaiting your reply.

    Dr.Ruchita Jain Shah

  2. Varsha says:

    Pls send your contact no, intrested to join the class, pls send your detail adress cell no 9890604261, staying near swargate area around 5 km,
    Varsha patil.

  3. Richa D says:

    I loved it. I wish to join this workshop. Can you please tell me the exact address, timing, fees and the duration of this workshop….??? I live near Swargate. Please reply.

  4. Madhu Nimal says:

    I stay in panchavati ,pashan.Wanted to Know if ur still taking classes ,as i have never done embroidery was really interested to learn atleast the basics.

    Plz let me know.

    phone no:9823657456

  5. Madhu Nimal says:

    I stay in panchavati ,pashan.Wanted to Know if ur still taking classes ,as i have never done embroidery was really interested to learn atleast the basics.
    Plz let me know.

    phone no:9823657456

  6. vrushali says:


    when is ur workshop at pune ?please let me knw

  7. Neelu says:


    can you please tell me what type/size of needle needs to be used for different types of embroidery?

  8. sanchita datta says:

    Hi sarah

    if u do any workshop in Delhi in near future then plz let me know. i would love to join.

    sanchita datta

  9. kanika shetty says:

    hi Sarah i wanted to know whether you take orders for kasuti embroidery on folders bags and laptop sleeves. Its urgent.

  10. Manisha Maheshwari says:

    Hello Sarah,

    I want to enquire regarding the classes and workshop to be held in Pune.

    Regards ,


  11. archana says:

    I want to learn embroidery.
    If your classes in kotharud pune so please kindly
    Inform me.

  12. vidya says:

    i would like to learn embrodiery….kindly gide me i am stay in karanataka if u have classes in mumbai, ur any branch in karanataka


  13. Deepali says:

    Hello Sarah,

    I see that you live in Panchwati Pashan?
    I will be visiting my parents there in july August. Will it be possible to take classes for my daughter who will be 12 by then, for the 2 months?

    She has this year suddenly found interest in crochet, so I am hopping she can learn all these wonderful stitches from you too..
    Thanks in advance.


  14. Shraddha M says:

    Hi Sarah,

    I stay in Bavdhan and wanted to know if you are planning to conduct embroidery workshops / classes this season as well?
    If yes, where can I reach you to enquire?

    Shraddha M.

  15. priti says:

    pls. include the detail of kutch embroidery and also give me some pattern for kurti

  16. Niveditha Shetty says:

    Hi sarah, At the onset i thank u for such a wonderful website created by you..your tutorial is amazing, step by step process with illustration helps any beginner to learn it so well.

    i am interested in cut work too; r u planning to add some cut work project in your website?


    • sarah says:

      Dear Niveditha,

      Thanks for your interest. There are a lot of embroidery forms that I have to/ will be including in the website. Just that I do not know how long it might take.

  17. seema says:

    i would like to learn embrodiery….kindly gide me if u have classes in mumbai

  18. shiza says:

    where is kutch embroidery tutorial at ur site??

  19. sri pavithra says:

    hi sarah;
    what is mean puntada fantasia those are wat kind of embroiderys do u making such type projects sara?if u do means please post for us i cant understand that language………

  20. sripavithra says:

    sahara how are u? i realy enjoyed ur site and keep on practicing. in baniyan type clothes the embrodering is tuff for me please give me a better idea to work out in that type of clothes. i am waiting for ur reply……………

    • sarah says:

      Hi Sripavithra,

      I am good, thanks. 🙂

      Honestly, I haven’t worked on the banyan type fabric, and so I can only imagine what the difficulties might be. My suggestion is not to use too many closely done stitches like the satin stitch over this cloth as it can produce big holes. You can use simple stitches like feather stitch, running stitch, the chain stitch, etc… with embellishments like sequins or beads. I hope this has helped you little.

      • sri pavithra says:

        hi sarah,
        how is your cute baby?transfer pen using ironing method i have not tried yet is it is easy for all designs please clera my doubt sarah…..did u designed ur baby clothes ……………

        • sarah says:

          Dear Pavitra,

          You can try the transfer pen. It is a pen with which you can free draw, and later wash away. I generally like the traditional method of transferring using the carbon paper.

          We all are fine, including the baby. Thanks :). I could not design my baby clothes yet as I am tied up with two kids.

  21. Sangita Ghaisas says:

    Hi Sarah,

    I am fond of fabric painting and hand embroidery, your website is like a feast to me, I would love to attend your summer workshops and get some expert advise on the work which I am already doing (i.e. embroidery on kurta).

    Please reply my query if possible.

    I would like to know where i will get the good embroidery needles and other things required.


    • sarah says:

      Dear Sangita,

      I have not planned for any immediate summer workshops yet. When it is done, we will announce it on the website and you can call fro further details then.

      You can look for embroidery materials in a ‘variety’ shop or a hobby shop.

  22. Hiral says:

    Hi Sarah,

    I am interested in learning all form of embriodery work, can you please let me know the fees, duration, place etc?


  23. nazneen says:

    Dear Sarah,

    Hope you doing good. months before i was employed now due to two little toddlers 2 yrs and other 1 year old i am now a homemaker.

    so waiting eagerly to do some embr projects. many thaks to you to teach online so well.

    i live in kalyaninagar in pune.

    tomorrow being saturday will be going to laxmiroad to buy the material.

    can you please let me know the fabric name on which i can do the embroidery.

    my roject : want to do embroidry on the fabric say about 6/8 inch and frame. it.
    and then make coasters.

    Please reply soon..

    manny mant thanks Sarah.


    • sarah says:

      Dear Nazneen,

      Making coasters is a wonderful idea. 🙂

      You can use any tightly woven cotton fabric… the one that is smooth and not rough. Else, try polyester or even satin fabric. They can make good fabric for coasters. You can use embroidery loop to keep them tight and stitch on them, else they can be a bit slippery.

      I know you were expecting an early response from me. Sorry that this reply is coming late to you as usually I don’t check my mails during weekends.

      Once you finish your project, do try to share it with us. 🙂

  24. hameetha says:

    hi sarah , can you tell what type of cloth materials can be used for embroidery work. can only thick cloth materials used. What sizes of needles can be used.

    • sarah says:

      Dear Hameetha,

      You can use almost any fabric fro embrodiery…from cotton to wool, from satin to jute, from linen to polyester…just about anything.

      If you were a beginner to embroidery, it is better to stick to cotton fabric till you get a hang of the stitches. Stitching on cotton is easier. You can use cotton embroidery thread on it to begin with. Use a medium sized embroidery needle. Embroidery needles have longer eye than the normal needles. Hope this helps.

  25. titi says:

    I love really love the way you explain! show us your job
    thanks so much

  26. Elsa says:

    I would love to take your class. Are you planning a workshop for 2013?

  27. Jasmeet says:

    Would like to join your classes. When are you starting the next batch

  28. sri says:

    hai sahrah,
    i started to follow the stitches from basic seen in ur site ,iam having a small confusion that is while taking chain stitch in baniyan type material it is getting not tight how to fix it

    • sarah says:

      Dear Sri,

      Soemtimes the type of fabric used can determine how nicely your embroidery would come out to be. The baniyan type material is stretchable, so don’t expect very tight stitches on them. Also, makign too tight stitches can wrinkle the fabric. So, what you can do is stitch without any embroidery loop. Try to keep the thread thin..maybe 3 strands. Use thin needle. This will help you to improve your stitch. I hope this helps.

  29. Please inform how to do kutch work. Its fabulous.

  30. Please inform us how to do kutch work. Its fabulous.

  31. Apurva says:


    What a site !!!!
    Everything a beginner would need to get motivated is here !!!

    I am gonna try these stitches 🙂

    Thanks a ton !!!!

  32. LJ says:

    Hey Sarah,

    Are you coming up with any tutorials with some good patterns for Kutch work? I am really looking forward to it.

    • sarah says:

      Dear LJ,
      Kutch work is certainly in my list of tutorials. But, how long it might take for me to prepare and upload…can’t say. My hand is so full with other projects, that taking time out to make kutch tutorials seem a bit unaffordable. I hope you understand and have patience till I could post a good kutch tutorial. 🙂

  33. Linda Scully says:

    Sarah, I am loving your website and it finding it very helpful to learn the different hand stitches. Thank you very much for the great resource. Linda

  34. elgy says:

    hi sarah ur blog is really very inspiring and intresting. are u from kerala?

    • sarah says:

      Dear Elgy,

      Thanks for the enquiry call. It was nice to talk to you. I will let you know when I would plan for a workshop.

      In the meantime, we welcome you and your family to visit us any time for the sake of acquaintance and friendship. 🙂

  35. Ankita Upadhyay says:

    hi Sarah,

    its sooooooooo gud………………..
    i luved it a lot

  36. sakthi says:

    very nice stitching library. thank u for presenting.

  37. reeba varkey says:

    simple stitches artistically designed!

  38. Val Lovelace says:

    One day i will try to come and join your class in India to learn directly from you!

    • sarah says:

      🙂 Most welcome!

      • sri says:

        Hai sarah,
        i am watching your tutorials now only its amazing to teach in such a easy way i went to embroidery classses but in ur site u shown lot of stitches surely i will practice and post my images to u .please tell me the materials required for embroidering ,needle size

  39. vivian says:

    Sarah,thank u very much for all your tutorials,i have done some samples,and i feel so happy.

  40. v.srivalli says:

    I want the materials for embroidry works plz send the parcel for me.

  41. sarah says:

    Dear Manasi,

    Sorry for a late response as I was on travels. I have just come back to Pune and will be planning for hand embroidery classes. I would like to keep the classes as per the students’ convenience. So, please call me at the numbers provided at the bottom of this post. Else, leave me your number so that I can call to dicuss the details.

  42. Manasi says:

    I stay in Kothrud. I would like to learn basic embroidery and would like to embroider myself on my kurtas and dress materials.

    But I work in weekdays, so if classes are kept on Sat – Sun , I will be able to attend.

    Please let me know the details of classes.

  43. graciela says:

    I love your website, the tutorials are great, I will take up this project in the summer with my children, they seem very interested and very much looking forward to it. This is a wonderful way to keep them away from the television, video games, computers and such things. They will learn to appreciate hand art.

    Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!

  44. sakina says:

    sarah plz teach me 50 basic stitches…..
    plz plz plz

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