Stitch Index

The stitch dictionary is arranged in alphabetical order and will help you to go to a stitch directly. Just click on the alphabet given in the index to go to the stitch beginning with that alphabet. Some stitches are known by multiple names and all names are included here. Hovering over the stitch names will give you the most common name by which the stitch is known.

A .B . C . D . E .F .G . H I . J . K . L . M .N . O .P . Q.R . S . T . U .V .W .X . Y .Z

Alternating barred chain
Alternating twisted chain stitch
Antwerp edging stitch

Back stitch
Back stitched spider’s web
Barb stitch
Barred chain
Barred witch stitch
Basket stitch
Basque knot
Basque loop stitch
Basque stitch
Blanket stitch
Blanket stitch honeycomb
Blanket stitch scallops
Blind knot
Bonnet stitch
Braided chain stitch
Berwick stitch
Bulls head
Bullion knot
Bullion stitch
Butterfly chain stitch
Buttonhole bar stitch
Buttonhole stitch
Buttonhole wheel
Buttonhole wheel cup

Cable chain stitch
Cable stitch
Chain stitch
Catch stitch
Caterpillar stitch
Checkered chain band
Chequered chain stitch
Chiara stitch
Chinese knot
Chinese stitch
Closed blanket stitch
Closed cretan stitch
Closed feather stitch
Closed fly stitch
Closed pearl stitch
Coil stitch
Colonial knot
Coral stitch
Coral knotted herringbone stitch
Crested Chain Stitch
Cretan stitch
Crewel stitch
Cross stitch
Crossed blanket stitch
Crossed fly stitch filling
Damask stitch
Darning stitch
Danish knot
Detached chain stitch
Detached wheat ear stitch
Double blanket stitch
Double chain stitch
Double cross stitch
Double feather stitch
Double herringbone stitch
Double knot stitch
Double running stitch

Eastern stitch
Encroaching satin stitch
Feather stitch
Feathered chain
Figure 8 knot
Fishbone stitch
Fishnet stitch
Flat stitch
Fly stitch
Fly stitch filling
Four-legged knot stitch
Forbidden stitch
French knot

German interlacing stitch
German knot
German knotted blanket stitch
Ghiordes knot
God’s eye stitch
Grub knot

Half crossed blanket stitch
Head of the bull stitch
Heavy braid chain stitch
Heavy chain stitch
Herringbone stitch
Herringbone Ladder filling stitch
Holbein stitch

Indian edging stitch
Indian herringbone stitch
Interlaced band
Interlaced herringbone stitch
Interlaced running stitch
Japanese stitch

Knot stitch
Knot stitch edging
Knotted cable chain stitch
Knotted chain stitch
Knotted cretan stitch
Knotted diamond stitch
Knotted herringbone stitch
Knotted loop stitch
Knotted pearl stitch

Laced cretan stitch
Laced herringbone stitch
Laced running stitch
Ladder stitch
Lazy daisy
Leaf stitch
Leviathan stitch
Line stitch
Long armed feather stitch
Long french knot
Long tailed daisy
Looped running stitch

Magic chain stitch
Maidenhair stitch
Mirrored blanket stitch
Mossoul stitch


Ojo de Dios
Old english knot stitch
Open chain stitch
Open cretan stitch
Open fishbone stitch
Open loop stitch
Opened fishbone stitch
Outline stitch
Oyster stitch

Paded satin stitch
Palestrina stitch
Parallel running stitch
Pearl knot
Pekinese stitch
Pendant couching
Persian stitch
Petal chain stitch
Pistil knot
Plaid filling stitch
Plaited fly stitch
Plaited stitch
Point de cable
Point de chainette
Point de riz
Point de sable
Porto rico rose
Portugese stem stitch
Post stitch
Queen anne stitch, The

Raised chain band
Raised fishbone stitch
Raised spider’s web wheel
Reverse chain stitch
Reversed Palestrina
Ribbed spider wheel
Rice stitch
Rice grain stitch
Roman chain stitch
Rope stitch
Rossette stitch
Russian chain stitch
Running stitch

Satin stitch
Scottish cretan stitch
Scroll stitch
Seed stitch
Seeding stitch
Shaped blanket stitch scallops
Side to side stem stitch
Slipped detached chain
Sinhalese chain stitch
Single feather stitch
Smyrna stitch
Smyrna cross stitch
Snail trail
Sorbello stitch
Split back stitch
Split stitch
Stalk stitch
Stepped running stitch
Stem stitch
Straight stitch
Surface couching
Surrey stitch
Square chain stitch
Square stitch

Tacked herringbone stitch
Tailored blanket stitch
Tambour stitch
Tete de la boeuf
Threaded back stitch
Threaded herringbone stitch
Tied coral stitch
Tied herringbone stitch
Triple palestrina
Tulip stitch
Turkey rug knot
Twilling stitch
Twisted chain stitch
Twisted daisy border stitch
Twisted fly stitch
Twisted lattice band
Two sided line stitch
Two sided stroke stitch
  Underside Couching
  Up and down blanket stitch
Vandyke chain stitch

Wave stitch
Wheat ear stitch
Weaving stitch
Whipped back stitch
Whipped buttonhole stitch
Whipped chain stitch
Whipped fly stitch
Whipped running stitch
Whipped satin stitch
Whipped spider wheel
Whipped stem stitch
Witch stitch
Worm stitch
Woven bar
Woven circle
Woven oval
Woven spider wheel
Woven trellis stitch
Y stitch

Zig zag cable chain stitch
Zig Zag chain stitch

62 Responses

  1. Breila says:

    I recently discovered Quaker stitch, and I love it! Any chance of adding it to your library?

  2. Insiyah says:

    Hello Sarah ma’am

    I would like to thank you for creating such a wonderful library of stitches, am so much over whelmed that i cannot express my words.
    Almost after 20 yrs i have taken the needle back in my hand with the mindset to share my knowledge of hand embroidery to others who are interested to learn by creating videos of stitches.
    while searching for stitch name came across your site and my search ended as it has everything that i needed and more than that….

    Honestly, I respect you for your time, effort, dedication and hard work that you have given to create this mind blowing site 🙂

  3. Margui Mello says:


  4. Valerie says:

    I want to make a book of sample stitches in order to learn them and have a fun record of how they look. How can I arrange and make this book? What might be the background fabric?

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks for inquiring, Valerie. I feel the best way to record the stitches would be according to each ‘Stitch Family’. This will help you to identify stitches and remember them easily. You can check the picture dictionary in our website for guidance.
      You can also arrange them based on their nature, like if they form lines, or fillings, or loops, or if they are isolated stitches. A full categorized list is available in my ebook, which will be out in a couple of weeks.
      For background fabric, use a simple cotton or linen fabric.
      I hope this information helps.

  5. Brenda L says:

    This is wonderful, but is there any way to get it in “book form”? I teach a class of beginners – school girls learning this old craft! – and it would be WONDERFUL to share this tool with them.

    • sarah says:

      Hi Brenda,
      We are working on an E-book at the moment. Planning to get it out by mid 2018.
      I hope you are not surprised at my late response- had a busy year. 😀

  6. Jyotsna says:

    Dear Sarah,
    Many thanks for sharing your knowledge about hand embroidery and creating the most wonderful and informative website I have ever come across! I have learnt so much from your website and am eagerly waiting for your e-book to be out. Will you be having a kindle edition too? Thanks a heap once again.
    Best wishes,

  7. Sumeera says:

    Hi Sara,
    Could You please share any word or PDF file. which including all Stitches details.
    I need all.

  8. sidharth says:

    do you know how to do hemming stich

  9. Jazzmin Suarez says:

    Do you have a book similar to the information on the website?

  10. Carmen Gonzàlez Pèrez says:

    I just discover Pinterest and it was a great surprise for me to find your blog. Congratulations, you make feel so happy with all these embroidery stitches. I only can say woow, woow and woow. Thank you very much for your generosity and kindness. Blessings and greetings.

  11. Divya says:

    how different is stumpwork ?

  12. martha says:

    WhatWhat does it mean to pluck the fabric?

  13. malaiyka says:

    yes, il be waiting..thankyou so much Sarah.. 🙂

  14. malaiyka says:

    Hi Sarah…i saw this amazing stitch somewhere called walneto stitch it looks really lovely but it dint turn out right when i tried it..if possible can u give me the instructions. .

    • sarah says:

      I will try to give the instructions, Malaiyka. This is a even weave fabric stitch, which I will take time to create a tutorial for, since I am right now working on the other stitches. Hope you can wait. 🙂

  15. Gomathy says:

    hi Sarah,

    i want woven picot stitch. please upload this stitch.
    Thank u. ur embroidery tutorial is very usful for me

  16. Begam says:

    Hi Sarah,i just found your wonderfull site.its very full .thankyou very much.:)

  17. Ana Lucia says:

    Hi Sarah,

    I’d like you tell me about the reverse of the embroidery. My embroidery does not have a pretty reverse.

    Thank you.

  18. Shalu says:

    Thank you for your site. I was helping a young worker on my farm learn a few stitches and prepare a sampler piece – this was not just handy – but actually enlightening. I remember making a stitching and embroidery sampler in school – but unfortunately that piece of cloth is lost. Could you include a small set of instruction on how to prepare one – for beginners?

  19. Corinne says:

    I was looking at how to possibly do a name on something. I was wondering which stitch would be best to use? I want it to be a little thicker of lettering, but I am new to this and there are so many stitches I don’t know where to start! Thanks!

  20. akila says:

    hi sarah i want to know abt long and short emb… plz tell me abt it

  21. Dora Furness says:

    I wish you had a way to print out all your stitches. Have enjoyed looking at your stitches and am sure going to try most of them.

    Thank you
    Dora Furness

    • sarah says:

      Dear Dora,

      All our tutorial pages are print friendly and have an option to be printed out. Just check the box right after the last picture of each tutorial…you would find the print icon.

  22. Ana says:

    Hi, Sarah!

    I have a question… In “stitches&stitch families” I saw pictures of chevron stitch family, but I can’t find them here.. Where can I find them on your site?

    Thank you so much!
    Beatiful and very helpful site! 🙂

    • sarah says:

      Dear Ana,

      The reason why you cannot see the tutorial for the chevron family of stitches is because, it is yet to be uploaded. I have only put these pictures there in advance, so that you know what stitches are coming up.

  23. Can you teach us different ways of Long and short stitch which is very much needed for filling…

  24. RIZMA says:

    Assalamu aleikum sarah!
    Its Owsm 🙂

  25. umera says:

    Assalam o Alaikum sarah ur tutorials r wonderful n ur illustration r too gud.i learnt alot from ur blog.i wana learn sozni stitch for my pashmina shawl would u plz illustate dat stitch on ur blog.prayers n best wishes 4 u .Allah Hafiz

  26. Anitha says:

    Hi Sarah,

    All your stitches are really useful & superb which keeps us engaged.. Thanks for that.. 🙂
    But I could certain stitch are been removed, below is the list of those. Could you please add them for our learning…
    Thanks for your great work..:-)

    Blind knot
    Caterpillar stitch
    Chiara stitch
    Chinese knot
    Coil stitch
    Crewel stitch
    Damask stitch
    Darning stitch
    Figure 8 knot
    Forbidden stitch
    German knot
    Grub knot
    Ladder stitch
    Line stitch
    Long french knot
    Long tailed daisy
    Magic chain stitch
    Point de cable
    Point de chainette
    Point de riz
    Point de sable
    Porto rico rose
    Post stitch
    Side to side stem stitch
    Slipped detached chain
    Square chain stitch
    Square stitch
    Tambour stitch
    Tete de la boeuf
    Twilling stitch
    Two sided line stitch
    Two sided stroke stitch
    Vandyke chain stitch
    Worm stitch
    Y stitch

  27. Can you show a blanket stitch? Thank you.

  28. Susan says:

    Can you show a blanket stitch? Thank you.

  29. Sharada says:

    Hi Sarah!
    Your tutorials are a boon to me. They are wonderful, and you make it seem so easy! Thank you so much.

  30. dhanya says:

    hai sarah………
    i am dhanya from kerala. i went through all of you stitches. i have no words to thank you. thanks a lot sarah. i like your site. sarah .. your illustration is very simple and all stitches can be studied fastly. again thankyou very much sarah.

  31. Zainab Alhassan says:

    Hi sarah,i’m zainab from nigeria, please can you recommend books with clear instructions on crewel, mordern jacobean, gold work etc and how to get easy access to them due to problems of different currency, mailing cost, distance etc. Thanks.

    • sarah says:

      Dear Zainab,

      I think the best way is to check in book stores near your house. I am not too sure on which book I can recommend for the works you have mentioned. Maybe you can check them online as well.

  32. Zainab Alhassan says:

    Thanks alot sarah, i really appreciate.

  33. Zainab Alhassan says:

    Hi sarah, i’m zainab from nigeria, first i’ve to say big thanks cos i benefited alot from your tutorials, is very clear, infact i’ve practice all the basic stitches from your tutorials in my album but i’ve a problem and i need your help, i know virtually all the basics but how to get started in a specific area like crewel,needle painting, white work etc is what i do not know, please, i need you to guide and encourage me. Thanks

    • sarah says:

      Dear Zainab,

      Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your enthusiasm for embroidery and the efforts you put in for it.
      Now, to execute the stitches you have learnt in a specific area of needlework, you can look at the panel on the right hand side of this web page. There is a section called ’embroidery’, under which tutorials for different embroideries are given. Each embroidery explains how the basic stitches are used, possibly the ones you know.

      These embroidery section will expand with time. Right now, there are four embroidery styles.

  34. PriyaKrishnan says:

    For a while, i felt that i am missing something terribly. It was my hobbies.Thanks for reminding the same. You are awesome. Someday, i’ll comeback to you with my creations. Bless you both.

  35. sapna says:

    hi sarah,
    thank u for ur suggestions.i will try and let u know how it came.

    thank u once again

  36. sapna says:

    hello sarah,
    i went through all ur stitches .now i want to do it on my salwar.can u suggest me some of the stitches which u prefer doing on the salwar.waiting eagerly.
    thanks and regards

    • sarah says:

      Dear Sapna,
      Glad to learn that you went through all the stitches. On what you can do on your salwar kameez will depend on what kind of look you want it to give you. It will be tough for me to suggest, but try doign some floral designs using chain stitch family, or even border designs usign the running stitch varities.

  37. Tessa says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I’m looking for the filling stitch used here
    I’ve gone through the many stitches in your dictionary but cannot find it. Do you know which stitch it is?
    Thanks in advance!

    • sarah says:

      Dear Tessa,

      This stitch looks like the ‘detached buttonhole stitch’, which belongs to the ‘buttonhole stitch family’. I have not yet prepared the tutorial for this stitch.

  38. Liz says:

    Hi Sarah,

    I’m very pleased that I came across your tutorials. The pictures are very clear and I was able to pick up many of the stitches (excuse the pun) very quickly!

    Best Wishes

  39. sapna says:

    i went through all of ur stitches.They are really nice.i know some of the stitches in that.Now i am able to learn more.i will try the stitches of urs and then get back to you.

  40. viji says:

    hi sarah
    i went thro all ur illustrations of stitches… it is beautiful, simple and useful too..thanks a lot for sharing….sanmanasinnu nanni

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