How to Back your Embroidery Hoop

How to finish the back of your embroidery hoop

Very often, we do our embroidery on fabrics or clothes that are more functional, like a table cloth, quilts, shirts, napkins, jeans, etc… That is how hand embroidery evolved – as a surface decoration. But, today, hand embroidery has taken a path where it is pursued for joy and to slow down. What do you do with something you have stitched out of sheer enjoyment and want to display or gift it? Of course, you can get it framed. But have you thought your embroidery hoop can act as a frame? In that case, how do you finish the backside of the hoop in a way that makes it presentable? Here are a few ways in which you can do it. The first part of the video will show you how to finish your embroidery hoop in the simplest ways. The second part (coming soon) will show you more advanced ways.

Learn 3 simple methods to finish the back side of your embroidery hoop

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