
All about the tools and supplies needed for hand embroidery

Understanding the tools and supplies used in hand embroidery will help you decide how to perfect your project. This section will give you information on these various tools you can associate with hand embroidery. I have tried to keep it simple without sophistication and too many details. Know the different kinds of needles, threads, fabrics, transferring tools, and more.

Each page will be updated with more details and information in the future!

8 Responses

  1. Devikaa says:

    I am a beginner embroider and so far found yours to be the best site to use and learn. Also, many thanks for the free patterns along with the tutorials for them. Thanks do much!

  2. Rins says:

    Hello Sarah,….ur website found to be superb for me….I am just a beginner…found very helpful….As I am a beginner,I wanted to know about threads,strands,needles all…What thread to be used in which fabric..all…I found the information of needles in your glossary…is there only about needles or more?”’because I am not able to open further…in your reference coloum,I am not able to open anything except stitch dictionary…is that link problem or is it blank?”’sorry to many questions. 🙂

  3. Di Mancino says:

    Hi, i recently found your wonderful site and have started embroidery again after 45 years! Its been great practising some of your stitches as you explain the, so well, thanks.
    Just one thing. What do you use to draw a design on the cloth? I bought a pen that vanishes after a while which is brilliant for machine sewing but no good for embroidery. I would like to draw some simple designs myself, rather than copying, so what would I use?

  4. aaina says:

    Hi would you like to send me some colour combination of thread and clothes. waiting for reply take care

  5. Divya Rajesh says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Iam a home maker.. I was thinking about catching up a hobby to make my free time more productive and that’s when embroidery flashed by my mind. When I browsed through the web I randomly came across ur website and found it to be the best suitable one for beginners like me!!!

    Thank you so much for ur effort in creating such a useful website like this.

    I would like to share my work done using ur tutorial. I used raised chain stitch!

    Thanks once again!!

  6. vaijayanthi says:

    all the lessons are very useful to me, there is no doubt that it is also useful to all the begineers i enjoy all the lessons and know how to stitch step by step neatly and clearly without making mistake. thank u very much

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