Donating = Loving

For more than 17 years, we have been pouring an immense amount of time, thought, love, and resources into Sarah’s Hand Embroidery Tutorials. So far, we have provided 500+ lessons and videos—and all of them are free!

It has always been exciting to provide embroidery tutorials for you—and we’ll continue providing it. We have been getting an enormous amount of traffic—up to 2 million hits per month—and it is getting more and more expensive to maintain this website. As you may realize, advertisements are not promoted on the website to keep it simple and user-friendly.

Any contribution from you will keep us motivated and help us maintain this website in the best quality. Also, we use your donations for acquiring supplies for the free hand embroidery workshops that we are conducting for women and their well-being.

If you find this labor of love valuable and joyful, please consider supporting us with a donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good lunch. Your support matters.

Contribute to Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials

Do let us know if you have any difficulty in donating!

35 Responses

  1. Karen says:

    Hello and best wishes!

    I see you have not posted to either website in about a year. I hope you are well and it is because of busy-ness, not sickness. I have admired your site for quite a while. I wish I could donate, but I’m unemployed at the present time.

    I will go to the contribute section, as I have embroidery pictures to share. Hopefully some you can use for your book, unless, of course, it’s already been published.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Karen,

      Thank you so much for inquiring about us. 🙂 It means a lot. I know this response is coming late. A lot had been happening and it was not possible to keep up actively with the website and its content for a long time. But, we are back now! Thank you for your contributions.

      I hope life is better now and you are enjoying our pages.

      Warm regards,

  2. Sangeetha says:


    My name isSangeetha. I am interested in buying your ebook. Kindly let me know the procedure.

  3. Denise Taunton says:

    Dear Sarah

    I belong to an on-line amateur quilters group called Scquilters and this year is our 20th anniversary. Its a large on-line group (3000) and about 120 of us get together once a year for a long weekend of fun. The idea is to do lots of stitching, but in reality its more of a gab-fest, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. This year I have been asked to show a small group attending this years function how to embroider felt flowers — a bit like work done by Sue Spargo and Wendy Williams. Usually the flowers are embroidered with simple stitches, like blanket stitch, fly stitch, colonial knots, herringbone etc. I wanted to put together a guide for this group because none of them are embroiderers. I came across your amazing stitch dictionary and wondered if you would give me permission to reproduce some of your stitch instructions. I would of course pay for this and acknowlege your work in whatever way you wanted.
    Thank you for your consideration of my request and best wishes
    Denise Taunton

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Denise,
      Thank you for writing to us. I apologise for this grand late reply. 😣 I hope you were able to arrange the guide that was meant for your group, the Scquilters, for the anniversary. Do let us know if you are in need of any embroidery resource in future – I promise to respond to you on time! 2017 was a year when I was laying low in the hand embroidery front and have missed responding to a lot many wonderful readers.


  4. Jayanthi says:

    I need this Embroidery Book.
    Is this possible. please call me 9551745466.

  5. Christina says:

    Wow! This site is amazing! You’ve done a fantastic job and I’m thrilled to learn new stitches. Thank you & keep up the great work.

  6. Pat Amling says:

    Do you have instructions for the Detached Buttonhole stitch?

  7. Bianca says:

    Please give a tutorial for long and short stitch,

  8. jay says:

    Your tutorials are great! I am looking forward to your e-book and am glad to donate to help you continue providing this wealth of information.
    seattle wa

  9. Rubina says:

    Hi Sarah

    I think ur website is awesome .. Do u teach students in person?
    Also please can u let me know where to find the materials for this stuff?
    The local stores in Pune dont have any of these fantastic stuff u are showing



  10. aBirmi says:

    Thanks for your picture dictionary.These are my some works.

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you, aBirmi to share your work. They are beautiful. We have added the first one into our eBook with your name for credits. Thank you, again! ❤️

  11. Denise Slattery says:

    wow . thank you for a wonderful amazing resource.
    I am just leaning…and this is the best place I have found for info!

    Portland, Oregon

  12. Laura Harden says:


    I just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful resource! I have learned so much from your tutorials. Many stitches that I could not “get” before, I understood immediately after reading your explanation. You are a wonderful teacher! I am happy to donate. Please keep up the good work.

    Your friend in Oregon-


    • Sarah says:

      Hi Laura. Sorry for a late reply, but I feel compelled to thank you for your comment. We are happy that you enjoyed learning from our pages. ❤️

  13. Gigi says:

    Hi! What an amazing and beautiful resource you have created. Please, please work to create an iTunes app. I was first looking for an app that has the exact information you have here. There isn’t one, so what a wonderful opportunity! Think about it. 🙂

  14. Meena Subramanian says:

    Hi Sarah, I came to know of this site from Times of India. I loved the tutorials. Very interested in hand embroidery i think i can improve my knowledge. keep it going. Good luck.

  15. thenmathi says:

    please let me know if u have published your work. it would be helpful for us. if you can give your account no, I can donate for your great service.. send to my mail.(I cant send thru paypal/ credit card). thanks!

    • rocksea says:

      hi thenmathi, thanks for the well wishes. we are still working on the book, and it might be out in a few months – by end of this year or 2014 start.

      will let you know other details soon!

  16. ripa says:

    hai ,Sarah and rocksea

  17. Pradeepa says:


    Am very interested in these embroidery works. But i don’t know how to learn and from whom to….. This page really fulfilled my expectations. thanks a lot.



  18. Toff says:

    hi rocksea and sarah,

    I’m from china and i’m doing business with india for 5 years.

    we are in the cross stitch industry, and we’d like to find some dealers in india to sell our cross stitch package(includes middle, threads, printed fabric),would you give me some information for that? can you help?

    may i have your contact information or what’s app?

    best regards, thanks.


    • Chitra says:

      hello Sir,
      Now i see you working in industry (cross stitch) sir please you tell me cross stitch work do by machine and by hand.


  19. Sherie Maria Fernandes Lobo says:

    When I tried to donate I saw a form which said, no of items to be purchased. What do you sell and how do I make payment other than paypal or debit/credit card

    • rocksea says:

      Hi Sherie, at the moment we are not selling anything, the form is just for entering the amount you can donate for the tutorials. Credit card or paypal is the only option available now.

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