Stitch Leaf: Lazy Daisy

Stitch leaves using Lazy Daisy.

The Lazy Daisy Stitch is great to make leaf fillings as it is to make flower petals. This stitch will help in making quick fillings with a texture that works well for a leaf. The spine of the leaf also forms neat and nice. This leaf is a typical leaf pattern that can be used anywhere.

How to embroider leaves using the Lazy Daisy Stitch

Here I use a variegated thread that makes the leaf look pretty.

Fig 1: Get your fabric, hoop, and threads ready. Draw the leaf with the spine in the center. Fig 2: Start a leaf by stitching a Lazy Daisy over the centerline, as shown. It should form the tip of the leaf.
Fig 3: The Lazy Daisy stitch should anchor right at the tip. Fig 4: Now, work between the centerline and the outline to make more Lazy Daisy Stitches at an angle.
Fig 5:  The Lazy Daisy Stitch need not form a strict teardrop shape. You can open the stitch at the bottom to adjust with the angle of the leaf. Fig 6: Work the stitch all the way to the bottom. The last Lazy Daisy has a closed bottom to keep the shape of the leaf.
Fig 7: You can either work one side entirely before doing the other side, as I am doing. Or, you can stitch both sides alternately. Fig 8: Finish up the leaf.
Fig 9: Now, if you feel it is difficult to get the angle right all the time, just draw lines like these to guide you. This is a popularly followed method. Fig 10: All the leaves are done!
Fig 11: I have used the Outline Stitch to do the stem. Fig 12: Our leaf pattern is finished.

Tips to make your embroidered leaf beautiful

  1. Make the tip of the leaf first.
  2. Draw angled lines to help you to keep the angle of the stitches.
  3. If you feel the edges have not come out tidy, stitch around the outline with a straight line stitch, like the Back Stitch, Outline Stitch, or the Chain Stitch.

6 Responses

  1. Fathima says:

    I love the Embroidery Stitches you have. I am a teacher. After the lock down school’s have not started. So I am teaching online on different Stitches. To children aged 9 and 10.
    Thanks for all the ideas

  2. Khoo hooi bin says:

    Thank Sarah’s. When I received your email I am very excited i know something news i am going to learn. Yes this lazy Daisy now I must remember it. Different leave different embroidery. Thank you. God bless. Amen.

  3. Kim Zrust says:

    Love this! You make it so easy with a beautiful, clean style. I’ve done leaves in many ways much harder and this is really beautiful! Thank you.

    P.S. I am loving your book so much!

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