Stitch Leaf: Closed Herringbone Stitch

Stitch leaves using the Closed Herringbone Stitch.

This pretty and simple leaf is inspired by the leaves of the Bottle Brush Tree. The Closed Herringbone Stitch provides a quick and hassle-free filling for any kind of leaves. It takes on curves easily and creates a great texture. This pattern is great to be done as a single leaf or scatter around a larger area of fabric.

How to embroider leaves using the Closed Herringbone Stitch

Fig 1: Get your fabric, hoop, and threads ready. I am using a 4″ hoop and will use 3 strands of thread. Fig 2: Start from one end of the leaf with the Closed Herringbone Stitch. I prefer to begin from the middle and work outward.
Fig 3: Keep stitching keeping to the outlines. Fig 4: Finish the petal by taking the needle in through the tip for the last stitch.
Fig 5: Finish all the leaves. Fig 6: Now, you can work the stem. I have used the Back Stitch.
Fig 7: Our leaf is done! If you wish, you can work an outline using the Stem Stitch or the Back Stitch around each leaf.


Tips to make your embroidered leaf beautiful

  1. Start from the inside and work outward.
  2. For a finishing, end by working an outline around the petal using a straight line stitch like the Stem Stitch or the Back Stitch.

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9 Responses

  1. Lalitha rajagopal says:

    Very efficiently done but a not so easy stitch. Very effective piece of herringbone work. Love it.

  2. Maureen says:

    A beautifully executed Heringbone leaf. I will have to try it. Thank you for sharing

  3. Khoo hooi bin says:

    Hi. Sarah’s
    Very nice. I like it. Amazing work.
    Thank you.
    From Ms Khoo hooi bin

  4. Kim Zrust says:

    I love the texture, movement, and simplicity of this lovely stitch as you demonstrated so well. I see it in embroidered clothing in portraiture, too. Thank you, Sarah!

  5. Brenda Smith says:


  6. Brenda Smith says:

    Sarah, I recently requested an “easy print version” of your articles and you graciously obliged. I can no longer find the printer logo. Will it be back or is it gone forever? It meant a lot to me, Thank you.

    • RockSea says:

      Hey Brenda. It disappeared for a moment during our periodic maintenance but it’s still there. Please refresh/clear your browser cache and check again.

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