Hand Embroidered Leaves

14 Responses

  1. Ashlee Allen says:

    Thank you so much! I’m new to your page. Are there patterns to trace? The images also seem simple enough to draw by hand and great to practice on.

    • Sarah says:

      Dear Ashlee,
      I have not uploaded the patterns to trace since I was aiming at teaching the technique. Like you mentioned, the patterns are simple and can be drawn by oneself. ☺

  2. ian sellars says:

    I always wanted to learn to do this embroidery stuff, now I have a chance to learn. Thank you.

  3. Carien says:

    Als beginnende leerling krijg ik veel inspiratie door jouw heldere uitleg. Veel dank !

  4. Adely Madrid says:

    Creo que no hay ninguna otra página en toda la red tan completa como la tuya. Maravilloso trabajo. Muchísimas gracias. INCREIBLE

  5. Uma Menon-Sureshkumar says:

    Sarah…. yours is a wonderful initiative !!

  6. Ghaniyah says:

    Thank you Sarah Embroidery thank you.

  7. Judith says:

    Your work and instruction are calling me back 50+ years to when I first encountered needle work. Thank you!

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