Fun with Crayons and Stitching

Here is a fun project that any kid would love to give a try. I have had many kids fall in love with this project because it involves not only needle and threads but also crayons. The stitches used are simple and the projects were finished so quickly that the kids not only had fun doing it but they were able to see instant results!

Before beginning, let me answer a few questions I often get asked regarding this project. If you have more questions, just ask them in the comment box below, and I will answer them.

Is my kid is ready for this project?
It depends much on how good the child is at handling the tool and how much patience he/she would have. I would say, if the child is 7 years old, it is safe to give him/her a needle and try out the project with him/her. I would also suggest that any kid below the age of 10 should have adult supervision and help.

What materials do I need for this project?

1. Embroidery hoop

2. Pencil & Scissors

3. Wax crayons

4. Threads

5. Embroidery needle

6. Fabric
  1. Embroidery hoop – size 6 would be ideal
  2. Scissors- a small one and a Pencil to draw – Not too sharp.
  3. Crayons- any wax based crayon will be just fine.
  4. Perle Cotton threads- size #8 in various colors.
  5. Embroidery needle- ideally size #7, #8 or #9 / tapestry needle – medium sized
  6. Fabric- normal cotton fabric, washed and ironed.

What stitches do you need to know?
Not a lot really. Since this is a project made for kids, we are only using a few stitches from the Running Stitch Family. If your kid is really good at stitching, he/she can use other stitches of her choice too. My samples will, however, show only a few stitches that have proven to be a hit with the kids of all ages.

These are the Running Stitch variations I would suggest:


Running Stitch


Looped Running


Laced Running Stitch


Interlaced Running


Whipped Running


Rice Stitch

How long does a project take?
Depending on how big the project is and how enthusiastic the kid is, it can take 1-2 hours. Even in the worst case, I have seen the project getting over in a total of 3 hours (with few breaks in between). I just try to make sure that the project is simple for kids who won’t sit for long. This project is divided into two phases- coloring and stitching, helping the kids do not feel bored or fatigued easily! This helps them to finish the project quickly and feel proud of what they did and learned.

What kinds of patterns are good for this project?
I usually suggest patterns that focus on a single subject, like a bird or a tree. It is just easier to deal with.  But it also depends on the age/ skill level of the kid. If it’s a kid older than 10, I would ask him/her to draw more elements or include a background.

Is this project just for kids?
Never! It’s for everyone! If you enjoy mixed media art, this is for you too. It is quick, easy, and leaves so much room for creativity. Go ahead and try it! In fact, I often ask the adult to join the kids for the project and the experience only gets better.

If you are trying this mixed media project, don’t limit yourself to just a few stitches mentioned here. Explore and experiment with more stitches. Pick the stitches from The Picture Dictionary.

Now that the basic questions are answered, let’s move to our tutorials. Follow them in sequence for a step-by-step guide.

15 Responses

  1. Andrea says:

    Hello, I have subscribed and have been trying to access your “Crayons and Stitching” for kids tutorials, without success. Any tips on how to view these lessons?

  2. Preethi Nagaraj says:

    My 6.5 year old daughter tried embroidery for the first time today and she s hooked to it!
    Thank you Sarah for this module for kids!

    • Sarah says:

      This is superb, Preethi! I love the way she has done the waters! Please let her know how proud I am of her. Thank you for sharing this beautiful work. ❤️

  3. Anandhi. S says:

    Hi mam, My 6 year old daughter started to do embroidery. She get inspired by your kids embroidery with crayons. Thanks for starting kids embroidery session.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Anandhi,
      Your 6 year old is very talented. What a beautiful job she has done. I LOVE it! I hope this encourages her for more stitching. Thank you so much for sharing it here. It will surely inspire many more. Please pass on to your daughter my wishes. 💕💕

  4. Hind says:

    Thanks alot sara your site is very informative and fun 💜

  5. Clairequilty says:

    Thank you for sharing and giving me ideas to start to embroidery again. Learned about you thru Aurifil article.

  6. Pratya says:

    Thank u very much, I loved dis project.

  7. Sarah says:

    I was enquired if these crayons would wash off. Here is my take on it.
    Since we are ironing the wax crayon coloring to melt it and kind of infuse it to the fabric, our natural thought would be that it should not wash off. And, it is right to a good extent. I had tried washing one of the works that my daughter had done in cold water and it did fade, but only just a little bit. Maybe, under warm water, it would have faded more.
    Try using this project on something you would not wash at all. That way, I can also suggest that you try oil pastel crayons too. I just love the depth of color it gives.
    Now, if you must use it on something you want to wash, it is not discouraged, but just make sure you wash it in cold water.
    You get fabric crayons, but I have heard mixed reviews about it. I think, just about any good wax crayons should work as fine as the fabric crayons, as long as you treat it well.
    If anyone has any good idea on how to make these crayons permanent on fabric, do share.

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