Embroidery for Kids

Embroidery is for everyone, even kids!

We often don’t think stitching to be something that kids might be interested in trying. And why not, because hand embroidery is often associated with those who can work on a project with patience and wait for the results- something the kids are not really known for!

Did you know that most of these hand embroidery projects can be handled well by kids as young as 6 or 7 years old? Working on hand embroidery projects not only helps in improving hand-eye coordination but also fosters the virtue of patience and paves the way for creativity in them.

This section will list some fun projects that kids can do easily. These projects will use simple stitches making it super easy for the kids to learn and enjoy. They can later progress into using and experimenting with these stitches in their other projects. There will also be projects that involve mixed media, where different elements will be combined with hand embroidery encouraging creativity to burst out of our kids.

So what would you want to explore today? Click on any project given below and find a step-by-step tutorial to each one of them.

Project for Kids

20 Responses

  1. Bhumi says:

    Hello, its Bhumi , Thanks for sharing this blog with us. This embroidery for kids is too good.

  2. Barbara says:

    Dear Sarah
    An update on our school embroidery project. 87 fifth graders had their projects displayed on huge bulletin boards in all the school halls. There was an open house for viewing, followed by the presentation of certificates and, of course, refreshments.
    I am attaching a couple of samples. Each student was required to write an artist’s statement to accompany the Embroidery. Those statements were a reflection of the student’s choice of subject and pride in his or her work.
    Thank you for your confidence that children can learn embroidery. They definitely can and I am grateful to be a part of introducing Them to another expression of art.
    Sincerely, Barbara

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Barbara,
      I meant to take the time and write back to you about your wonderful achievement with this project. They are so fabulously done! I love the artists’ statement that each child’s art has a special meaning. The effort all of you have made for this wonderful presentation is amazing. Eighty-seven samples- that is huge! I hope it was received with appreciation by the parents and others. I feel so special that you all took up the hand embroidery assignment and completed it successfully! I will love to see more samples and the photos of the presentation itself if you do not mind sending them to my email id.
      Much love to all the kids and you all,

  3. Barbara says:

    Several months ago I stumbled on your site and shared the children’s project with the art teacher in my granddaughter’s school. Today we have almost a hundred fifth graders working on embroidery. Thank you. They are really enjoying it.
    When they finish, we hope to remove their works from the hoops and mount them for hanging.
    we are thinking of backing them on cardboard circles and then using felt to give them a clean finish. We want them to do their own finish.
    Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for the wonderful site and projects. I’ll keep you posted.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Barbara,

      We are so happy to hear this. To know that almost 100 5th graders are enjoying hand embroidery is wonderful!

      To give the projects a finish, you can keep their work in the hoops, like a frame. Just fold the excess fabric to the back of the hoop and stitch to hold it back. Then cut out a felt cloth of the same size and stick it to the back to give it a clean finish. I hope you like this idea.

    • Sarah says:

      If it is possible, please do share the photos of a few students. We are so eager to see how it turns out. 🙂

      • Barbara says:

        Hi Sarah
        Just an update on our fifth graders. They are working quite hard, helping one another, and seeing the results of their labors. I am so surprised and delighted with the attention they put in their projects. We have scheduled a fifth grade art show to display their art pieces. I’ll definitely send some pictures of their work. Thanks again for the great idea. Barbara

        • Sarah says:

          Hi Barabara,
          We are delighted to know how all the kids are enjoying this project. I cannot explain how proud we are! Thank you so much for taking the time and caring to send us some of their samples. This is terrific!
          Much love,

      • Barbara says:

        Works in progress. Mid May is our goal.

      • Gerta says:

        Some of their progress!

        • Sarah says:

          Hi Greta,
          These are splendid! I am amazed at the way they are applying the stitches along with the beautiful colors. With your permission, I will post this work for others to see. I am so proud of all the kids! Do let them know our appreciation when you get a chance to.

  4. Sunitha says:

    Hi Sarah,
    My 6 and 11 yr olds were very eager to learn embroidery and it was then that my sister told me about this section of your blog. Turned out to be a great help and they are both very happy about the baby steps they have taken. Thank you very much, Sarah. Appreciate all the effort you are putting into this. Makes your site a great reference for all of us. ☺
    Love and regards,

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Sunitha,

      Thank you so much for sharing your kids’ embroidery craft with us! It is absolutely beautiful and inspiring. I love the way the seeds are made – they look SO real!! And, what a neat job! Please pass my regards to them – we are absolutely proud of them! 🙂

      Much love,

  5. Aparna Jain says:

    My daughter loved these….she always wanted to learn embroidery as she saw my work, but i did not understand how to introduce it to a 6 year old…..but this post if yours was a blessing!!
    She absolutely loved it!
    Thank you sooo much!!

    • Sarah says:

      Wow, Aprana! Thank you so much for sharing these awesome work from your talented daughter. A BIG congratulations to her from our part. LOVE it absolutely! The flower is super beautiful and the whale is cute. So happy that she enjoyed this project!
      XOXO Sarah

  6. Soumya says:

    Hi Sarah,
    This page has immensely helped me when I decided to introduce hand embroidery to my five year old. I didn’t think I was going to teach my daughter this early, but when I saw this post and the patterns here I thought it possible and we have it a go a few weeks back….both the daughter and I loved working on these patterns .
    Thanks a lot for the wonderful idea and the patterns you shared …

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you so much, Soumya, for your kind words. I love your daughter’s work! I am sure many others will be inspired to try this out after seeing these beautiful pieces.


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