
Embroidery Pattern: Butterflies.

You will learn 3 Stitches At a Time – Raised Chain Band, Woven Trellis, Detached Wheatear Stitch. 

Flowers are the most commonly stitched pattern in hand embroidery. They are colorful and cheer one up. Then, there are pretty little insects like the butterflies that are equally colorful and add beauty to the scene. If you are on a butterfly watch or a trail, the best place to spot a butterfly would be on a rotten fruit or animal scat! Yes, not the kind of place you might have thought to find them. When on a trail in one of the many forests, we spotted hundreds of different butterflies. They had just come out after a fresh shower of rain to soak in the sun. Many of them were drunk on the fermented juice of the rotten fruits and were easy to photograph as they were not really in a state to flutter away when we got close to them!

They are not very difficult to stitch. Try the pattern below using the Woven Trellis Stitch. I am pretty sure you will enjoy it and will use it many other times.




Raised Chain Band


Woven Trellis


Detached Wheatear

Don’t forget to upload your finished work here!

Find more easy peasy embroidery Patterns here: 3SAT Project – Three Stitches At a Time Project

15 Responses

  1. Sujatha Venkatesan says:

  2. Maureen Bond says:

    Thank you for sharing ideas for using these stitches. I like your butterfly.

  3. Isabel T says:

    Thank you.

  4. marie-anne cochet says:

    THANK YOU!!!

  5. Shweta says:

    Thank you for this simple pattern. The Woven Trellis is a great idea for the butterfly wings. I tried it with this multicolored thread inspired by the color shown in the pattern, and it came out beautiful.

  6. Jackson says:

    Thank you. I love your simple demonstrations. Makes it easy to reference.

  7. Madhumita Barui says:

    Once again thanks for the wonderful idea!

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