
Embroidery Pattern: Turtle.

You will learn 3 Stitches At a Time – Heavy Chain Stitch, Cross Stitch, Double Chevron Stitch.

One of the most rewarding times in our many visits to the beaches was the one we took to a beach to watch the Olive Ridley Turtles eggs hatch. I had made a picture in my mind and expected to see thousands of them hatching and making a ‘dash’ for the ocean where they will stay until it is their turn to return to lay eggs. That morning, it was just three hatchlings. Imagine my disappointment! But, when they started moving, making their way into the direction of the ocean, my disappointment changed to a silent cheer to see their journey succeed. And when they did, I was filled with motherly pride. Those three turtles were worth every single thing that took us to get to that beach. This pattern is inspired by those three little turtles.

Featured Sample

3SAT Embroidery sample: by Nimisha

Stitch Along Video

Learn Hand Embroidery Stitches | Double Chevron Stitch, Cross Stitch, Heavy Chain Stitch

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The 3SAT Embroidery Project uses patterns and designs that will help you to learn the embroidery stitches quickly and easily. While most of us can learn the stitches, it is difficult to get a pattern where we can apply those stitches while learning. Also, not all of us are comfortable creating patterns to stitch. The 3SAT Project patterns are so easy that you can draw them just by looking at them. Or, just print them out and transfer them to your fabric. Each pattern uses only three stitches, making it super fun and easy to do! You can also use your own imagination and stitches to work over these patterns!

Find more Embroidery Patterns here: 3SAT Project – Three Stitches At a Time Project

Learn 306 stitches and find many more guided patterns in 600-page eBook!


7 Responses

  1. Sujatha Venkatesan says:

    Something which I really enjoyed stitching

  2. Nimisha Parekh says:

    Thanks to U Sarah for teaching such a wonderful combinations of stitches…:)

  3. Nimisha says:

    I made two more turtles for both my kids. The background is a painting by my daughter. 😊

  4. Nimisha says:

    This turtle pattern was liked by my kids so much that I am stitching one each for them too! 🙂

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