Kasuti Patterns 2

19 Responses

  1. Ravinder Singh Chumber says:

    This is excellent. I am so glad someone like you is keeping this alive. Much love and respect from England!

  2. Malathi says:

    Hi Sarah
    I visited your blog recently and it is just superb. Can you please share some tutorials for neygi stitches for beginners like me. I would like to know in the neygi stitch, whether the front and back will be exact or not. Thanks,

  3. morgan says:

    so so so beautiful 🙂

  4. Mahi says:

    This blog has been of great help to me. Could you clarify how to proceed on to the next line for the menthi stitch if we are doing a sparrow motif ? We get running stitches on the backside right?

    • sarah says:

      To proceed to the next row, you just have to take the needle to that position from the previous row. The back side should have straight stitches, not running stitches exactly. But, the back side is not so important. Menthi style of stitch is just like the cross stitch. Hope this helps.

  5. Hi Sarah,

    Your website is very informative. Do you know of anyone who does this embroidery on a professional level?

  6. thaarika says:

    Hi sarah
    Plz upload tutorials for kutch work…waiting
    to learn that from you for a long time…I have asked you about this earlier also

  7. thaarika says:

    Hi sarah
    Plz upload tutorials for kutch work…waiting
    to learn that from you for a long time…

  8. ramya says:

    thank u so much for such a wonderful web. this is very helpful. i liked the designs very much.

  9. Christa says:

    I found your website last night and I love it. There are stitches I heard about for the first time. A lot of stitching and learning is waiting for me. Thank you very much.

    May I just say that the Neygi pattern n°2 in high resolution is the same than the n°1?

    Have a nice sunday Sarah :-))

  10. shefali says:

    hi sarah , ur website is very useful as im faculty
    (fashion design) in inifd (vapi)-gujarat , our stunds have vast syllabus in designing as they r frm annamalia unversity. so v need to teach them all the countries emb.n ur site is ossam for us.thanks

  11. sangeetha says:

    Hi sarah, ur website veri usefull. iam fasion designing student this is very helpful my studing

  12. prathima says:

    Hi sarah,
    I love your website its a delight for beginners.Your pictures of stitches are very clear & easy to understand.love the way u teach stitches step by step.

  13. chitra anburamesh says:

    Hi sarah,
    your website is very useful, excellent and widely informative…..

  14. sudha says:

    HI sarah

    your website is excellent and very imformative.


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