Kasuti Patterns 1

Gavanti and Muragi Patterns

These Kasuti patterns use Gavanti and Muragi stitches and can be printed onto an A4 size page for practice. Click on each image to see an enlarged version.

The patterns are in black and red, each color denoting a single continuous stitch flow. This might be helpful to some. More patterns will be added as I acquire and prepare them.

Fig 1: Butis Fig 2: Small motifs
Fig 3: Borders Fig 4: Borders
Fig 5: Medium motifs

Reference: ‘Traditional Embroideries of India’ by Shailaja D. Naik.

Next, go to the detailed Kasuti lessons:


14 Responses

  1. Sharmila Damle says:

    That’s so lovely. I was not able to find this particular buti which my mother taught me. I am now getting time to carry forward the heirloom. But when tried my buti is not coming the same behind. Something is going wrong. Help please!

  2. Jennifer David says:

    I am also waiting for those Indian Hand Embroidery pictures. It seems that you haven’t posted them yet.

  3. yvonne says:

    bonjour. merci pour le partage de ces jolis motifs que l’on pourra associer et broder en couleurs.

  4. jyoti says:

    Hi. thankyou very much for the kasuthi lessons. I have long back left all these, but when I went through this lessons – step by step, I refreshed every thing, and already started with the motifs, wanna try for some long borders.
    thanks, regards

  5. Sewandstitch says:

    Wow very pretty
    Is this style from India?
    Do you have pictures of Indian embroidery that you have done?

    • sarah says:

      Dear Sewandstitch,
      Thanks. Yes, this is an Indian style of embroidery…southern India.
      I have some Indian patterns done, but pictures not taken yet. Once I do, will upload them.

  6. siusi says:

    obrigada!!!! maravilhoso aprender!

  7. B says:

    Love the Kashida kaari tutorials. The links from the first page arent working

    • sarah says:

      Dear B,

      Thanks. The links are working now. 🙂

      Is this a picture of your work on Kasuti? If so, can you please upload it again- this time a smaller file? I had to remove it since it was too big.

  8. sultana says:

    Hi Sarah!

    Can you do kutch work tutorial for us,please?

    Anyways, your website is very informative and nice. Thanks for sharing your beautiful skill with us.

  9. M Carmen Alvarez says:

    Me ha encantado tods los puntos me ha parecido un estudio muy completo.
    Me gustaria poderte mandar unos dgráficos de unos bordados para que me dijeras como se llama esa clase de bordado. Seria esto posible?
    Muy agradecida MªCarmen

    • sarah says:

      Querida Carmen,
      Gracias por escribir. Si te he entendido bien, usted quiere enviarme muestras de bordado? Para ello, puede subir los bordados con la función justo debajo del cuadro de comentario. Entonces será capaz de decirle lo que es el bordado. Espero que esto ayude. Perdóname si no te he entendido bien.
      Mis mejores deseos.

      Dear Carmen,
      Thanks for writing. If I have understood you right, you want to send me samples of embroidery? To do this, you can upload the embroideries by using the function right below the comment box. I will then be able to tell you what embroidery it is. I hope this helps. Pardon me if I have not understood you properly.
      Best wishes.

  10. B Vijayalakshmi says:

    Hi Sarah!

    Thank you so much for uploading the patterns.
    Can you give me some individual designs / patterns for Salwars?


    • sarah says:

      Dear Vijayalakshmi,

      Thanks. You can print these page and use the designs as individual patterns. The third and fourth sheets of patterns can be used as borders.

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