Kamal Kadai variation 2

Kamal Kadai – open centre

This version of Kamal Kadai is typical kind used in this embroidery form. The centre part of the flower is left open, and so the spokes are worked one petal at a time, radiating from the centre . The centre space is then filled with any filling stitch or a bead.

Fig 1: Transfer the stitch points to the fabric. Learn how to make this pattern from here. Fig 2: Now, stitch the foundation stitches using straight stitches radiating from the centre, as shown. So, you will stitch A-O, B-O, C-O and so forth.
Fig 3: Weave each petal at a time, using the Woven Trellis Stitch. Once finished, the petals will look like this. Fig 4:Stitch the center with French Knots or Satin Stitch, and spruce it up with some green stems and leaves.

Next, learn the other variations of Kamal Kadai:


4 Responses

  1. Sarah says:

    An attempt at Kamal Kadai by Swati, one of our students. Great work, Swati! Loved seeing how each time your petals improved!

  2. Madhumita Barui says:

    Thanks for your message. Ilike to share my creation done with the same stitch

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