Kamal Kadai variation 1

Kamal Kadai- twisted centre and two colours

This Kamal Kadai flower is very basic and done over an odd number of spokes. I have used different colors for laying the foundation stitches (spokes) and the weaving. The effect from two colors is different from what might result from using the same colors.

Fig 1: Mark the stitch points on the fabric. In this variation you will be stitching two petals at a time by laying straight stitches between two diagonally placed petals. Learn how to make this pattern from the basics. Fig 2:  So, you will stitch A-a. Then, you come out from b and stitch b-B. Next, come out from C and stitch C-c, and so on. Finish the first wo petals and then stitch the third and fourth petals.
Fig 3: Now, weave the two petals you stitched first. That is, stitch the petals that are on the bottom of the pattern first. Start from somewhere close to the center and work your weaves upwards. Fig 4:Here, I have already woven one of the bottom petals and I am working on the next one. If required, nudge the woven threads down with your needle.
Fig 5: Make sure that you are weaving the corresponding spokes on both sides the same number of times. This keeps the petals symmetric. Fig 6: To finish the weaving, always take the last weave OVER the foundation stitch and pass the needle under it into the fabric.
Fig 7: Both petals are now done. Fig 8: Now, start weaving the petals on the top of the pattern.
Fig 9: The finished flower looks like this. Fig 10: I have completed the pattern with some stems and leaves.

Next, learn the different variations of Kamal Kadai:


6 Responses

  1. Sujatha Venkatesan says:

  2. W says:

    First time using this technique but quite happy with the outcome, thank you so much for your tutorials!

  3. ROBIN L FARLEY says:

    This is so beautiful and yet so simple. Thank you for your direction!

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