heavy chain stitch
Braided Chain Stitch
Braided Chain Stitch is also known as Hungarian Braided Chain Stitch [EN], Punto cadena húngara [ES], Point de chaîne hongrois [FR], Ungarischer Kettenstich [DE], Punto catenella ungherese [IT], Ponto corrente trançada húngara [PT]. How to do the Braided Chain Stitch The Braided Chain Stitch is worked almost the same way...
Heavy Chain Stitch
Heavy Chain Stitch is also known as Heavy braid chain stitch [EN], Puntada de cadena pesada [ES], Point de chaînette cordé [FR], Dicker kettenstich [DE], Punto catenella pesante [IT], Ponto cadeia sólido [PT]. How to do the Heavy Chain Stitch As the name suggests, this is a heavy or thick...