floral pattern


Flat Stitch

How to do Flat Stitch This stitch has technical similarities to the fishbone stitch and the opened fishbone stitch. The difference is that this stitch cannot give sharp ends, and therefore, is not ideal for leaves with tapering ends. Instead, this is one of the best stitches to fill in...

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Zalakdozi Tutorial

Zalakdozi uses concentric rings to fill a pattern. There are a lot many styles in which a pattern can be filled, like using various shades of the same color for the various rings. I have used darker shades to do the outline and lighted and paler shades to fill the...


Long Tailed Daisy

Long Tailed Daisy is also known as Punta de margarita de cola larga [ES], Gestielter Margeritenstich [DE]. About the Long Tailed Daisy This stitch is similar to Lazy Daisy. I would say it is a different version of Lazy Daisy. The only difference being that this has a longer ‘tail’...

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