Stepped Running Stitch

About the Stepped Running Stitch

The Stepped Running Stitch is two parallel rows of running stitches. Each stitch from each row will lie between two stitches of the other. This ‘stepped’ structure will allow the creation of various embroidery patterns using a different thread. You may make more than two rows of running stitches and try out your variations.

How to do the Stepped Running Stitch

Fig 1: Lay the foundation with two parallel rows of Running Stitches. ‘Step’ the second row, as illustrated. Note that A lies between W and X, X lies between A and B, and so forth.

Learn the Variations of the Stepped Running Stitch

gut_raincoat_stitch clown_collar_stitch

Learn the Variations of the Stepped Running Stitch and 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

22 Responses

  1. Deb says:

    What beautiful work!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. Deb G. says:

    I’d never heard of the clown collar stitch before but I’m excited to try it. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sarah, lindo trabalho!

  4. shruti says:

    wow i really like this a lot and taught this to my student as well .
    lots of love from my student

  5. Mohammad Altaf Husain says:

    These are nice Sarah

  6. Kalpana says:

    It is awesome

  7. Amanda says:

    Hi Sarah!

    If not for your page I would have given up on embroidery by now. You make things so clear that I have no problems with the instructions. I have told all my friends to look here for tutorials.

    Thanks so much!

  8. sheraa says:

    hi sarah
    its wonderful site. thank u for ur hard work. i was looking for a good site to learn all hand stitches n my search end here. i know basic sewing. would like to start everything wt u again. so plz tell me which materiel should i buy ? linen or any cotton? and do u have completed design projects pic too? would like to finish a project? tx

    • sarah says:

      Dear Sheraa,

      You can begin by working on a normal cotton cloth. Use simple pearl cotton thread to stitch using a normal embroidery needle.

  9. Dipa Mistry says:

    Amazing! This takes me right back to my schooldays. I was too lazy to learn then. I am so glad I have found your sight now! Can’t wait to give it a try.

  10. Vini Jayan says:

    You are great. It was very clear, anybody can learn very easly.thank you very much.

  11. Whitney says:

    WOW! That’s all I can say!! Your blog is amazing! It is because of people like you that sewing remains a true art to be coveted!

  12. Hannah says:

    Thanks so much for all of the wonderful, CLEAR, photos and instructions! You are a life saver, really! Thanks again!

  13. preetarajan says:

    Hi sarah,
    i love your blog and the way of displaying the stitches and explanation is also superb.
    I am a beginner in emby,so found your site very very useful.
    Thanks for also your explanations…

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