Cable Chain Stitch

Cable Chain Stitch is also known as

Puntada eslabón [ES], Point de chaînette cablée [FR], Ankerkettenstich [DE],  Punto catenella per cavi [IT], Ponto de elos [PT].

About the Cable Chain Stitch

The Cable Chain Stitch is slightly different from the usual Chain Stitch. This stitch has each of its loops connected by a small ‘cable’ instead of being connected directly with each other as in Chain Stitch. I will be illustrating this stitch over a straight stitch line from bottom to top.

How to do the Cable Chain Stitch

You need to be aware of the Chain Stitch to be able to do this stitch. Do pay attention to the way the thread is wrapped around the needle during the stitching procedure.

Fig 1: Lay the base of the stitch by doing a Chain Stitch. Fig 2: Now, bring the needle towards the right side of the base and wrap the thread around once, as shown.
Fig 3: Keeping the wrap of thread around the needle, take the needle in and out of the fabric at a short distance from the previous loop. Fig 4: Now loop the thread around the needle from left to right as we would in the Chain Stitch.
Fig 5: Pull out the needle and we would get two loops connected with a small cable. Continue this procedure to finish the entire stitch line to get a pattern as illustrated.

Learn to do Cable Chain Stitch in 2 minutes!

Learn this stitch and 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

Related stitches from the Chain Stitch Family


22 Responses

  1. samuel says:

    another stitch on cable chain

    • Sarah says:

      What a beautiful application of this stitch. I had been under medical care for a few weeks and could not check your comments and pictures. I love them all. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  2. samuel says:

    attempt on cable chain stitch

  3. Emei says:

    These socks had big holes in them that were mended in red. Used the white yarn to do an open chain stitch as a decoration. I refer to your webpage all the time and direct people to it often.

    • Sarah says:

      Wow, Emei! How creative! I love the way you have done these socks. Thank you for sharing this with us. It inspires and gives ideas on how beautifully a stitch can be used. Again, wow!

  4. Yesha says:

    Sarah!You’re so good in Embroidery…Nalito talaga ako.I’ve Challenge you to Understand my Filipino word. :)Love Yah!Sarah!!

    • Sarah says:

      Hey Yesha. Yes, it is a late response…no, I did not spend the whole time figuring out the Filipino word. haha. Thank you for writing…it keeps us encouraged. 🙂

  5. the Oncoming Storm says:

    now THIS looks like a CHAIN.

  6. Gomathy says:

    which needle should i used for perle cotton thread.

  7. Gomathy says:

    In perle cotton embroidery thread which size should i use. pls reply me fast.
    thandk you

  8. Gomathy says:

    Hi madam,
    hi how r u. your website is very useful for me. i’m interested in hand embroidery, i can search many website for embroidery, but ur website is different from others. I want dipped lazy daisy,double lazy daisy, twisted lazy daisy. Please upload this stitches

  9. Susan Johnson says:

    Thank you for sharing your talent.

  10. Alicia Velazquez E. says:


  11. Linda K says:

    Thanks so much for these photo stitch directions. I learn easier from pictures than from video.

  12. Cathy says:

    Your site has quickly become my first go-to for stitching, thank-you so much, this has made my learning process so much easier. Normally, it is very hard for me to figure out how to do a stitch with written directions, but yours are very concise and easy to follow. It is just like you are sitting here with me showing me how, thank-you again.

  13. Brian Tabas says:

    I like your all stiches 🙂

  14. Chris says:

    Thank you for a lovely tutorial. I am excited to try it!

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