Hand Embroidery Stitches for Everyone, 2nd Edition

(86 customer reviews)

$32.00 $32.00

Learn 306 hand embroidery stitches through step-by-step photographic illustrations with tips, techniques, projects, and patterns. This is the 2nd Edition of our most popular hand embroidery book—now with a hundred more stitches.

Format: PDF [eBook, downloadable]
File size: 85 MB
Pages: 600 color pages
Payment Method: PayPal or Credit Card



Hand Embroidery Stitches for Everyone, 2nd Edition, is the ultimate stitch guide to embroidery, whatever your level of expertise is.

At 600 pages, this book is a definitive guide to different stitches for various needlework and crafting projects. It has a Picture Dictionary of 306 hand embroidery stitches, including cross-stitching and needlepoint stitches. The technique for each stitch is explained step-by-step with pictures that can be zoomed in to see better and bigger. Each stitch comes with a small description and information on the difficulty level, the uses, and alternate names.

All the stitches are neatly categorized into Stitch Families to make it easy for you to choose the best one for your projects. This eBook is interactive with a clickable picture dictionary and links for easy navigation.

If you are an absolute beginner, there are three entire sections to orient and prepare you for this art. You will find methods to handle needles, threads, fabric, hoops, and other tools, making it an ideal reference guide. This book also gives interesting information on traditional embroidery forms and the origin and history of many stitches, which can inspire learners of all levels to explore more.

A section on helpful tips is a bonus and gives you information that will make your stitching experience better. What’s more? You don’t have to worry about how to practice all these stitches. Find a section on easy and printable patterns, making this the all-in-all eBook for hand embroidery.

The Hand Embroidery Stitch Book includes:

  • 306 hand embroidery stitches with step-by-step photographic illustrations
  • A categorized picture dictionary with 20 Stitch Families for easy selection
  • Helpful tips for a better stitch experience
  • Good practices and common mistakes
  • All about hand embroidery tools and supplies
  • Drawing, tracing, and transferring patterns
  • Hooping the fabric, separating the floss, and threading the needle
  • Multiple methods for starting and finishing a stitch
  • Color wheel and guide for picking colors
  • Printable patterns with stitch guides and ideas
  • Sample embroidery for each stitch family
  • History and maps of traditional embroidery styles

This book in numbers:

306 Stitches | 600 Pages | 2500 Photographs | 20 Stitch Families

Preview: Here is a preview of our bestselling embroidery book [Click here for a PDF preview].


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